Future Digital

6, Jan. 2023


デジタル空間が, 整理整頓される事かも知れ無い




本をタッチすれば, ブックネットの本のデジタル空間を始められる様になる

TVをタッチすれば, TVネットのTVのデジタル空間を始められる様になる

刊行物をタッチすれば, ニュースネットのニュースのデジタル空間を始められる様になる

デジタル空間のあらゆる物が, 始祖デジタル空間に反映出来る様になる

現実世界同様に, 模様替え/整理整頓が出来る様になる

未来の5次元は, ハイブリットかも知れ無い


4次元の現実世界に, 5次元のプラットフォームを作れば, 4次元の速度を超えた最速でプラットフォームになることが出来る

5次元空間の5次元立方体の真の姿は, 空間の中に空間があるだけでは無い

5次元立方体を展開すると, 4次元立方体になる

4次元立方体を展開すると, 3次元立方体になる

詰まり5次元立方体の真の姿は, 始祖空間を中心に相互補完したデジタル空間の集合体となる

ハイブリッドプラットフォームの真の能力は, デジタル空間とデジタル空間の相互補完だけでは無い

5次元空間を展開して, 真の5次元空間にすることかも知れ無い



だが, デジタル空間ならば現実世界を超えた5次元空間に行くことも出来る










Great Future/New Country/Hybrid platform/5 Dimension/Real Hybrid Platform/Digital World Government

What is the ultimate 5th dimension

Digital space may be tidy

Completion of mutual complementation between digital space and digital space

The center of countless digital spaces will be an organized ancestral digital space

The desktop/home screen, which was jammed in 3 dimension, becomes 5 dimension ancestral digital space

If you touch a book, you will be able to start the digital space of books on the book net

If you touch the TV, you will be able to start the digital space of TV on the TV net

If you touch the publication, you will be able to start the digital space of news on the news net

Everything in the digital space can be reflected in the founder digital space

You will be able to redecorate/organize as in the real world

Future 5 dimension hybrid may be

What is the fastest platform

If you create 5 dimension platform in the 4 dimension real world, you can become the fastest platform beyond the speed of 4 dimension

The real form of five dimensional cube in five dimensional space is not just that there is space in space

Expanding 5 dimensional cube gives it 4 dimensional cube

Expanding 4 dimensional cube gives it 3 dimensional cube

The real form of five dimensional cube is collection of digital spaces that complement each other around the ancestral space

The real capabilities of hybrid platforms are not limited to the complementation of digital space and digital space

It may be possible to expand the 5 dimensional space into real 5 dimensional space

The real world is 4 dimension

We can't go to 5 dimension space in the real world

However, if it is a digital space, it is also possible to go to a five-dimensional space beyond the real world

it's an mystic world

Endless struggle for supremacy/religious wars/economic wars/resource wars produce nothing

Humanity should move on to the next platform

The real-world platform is the nation

The world's largest platform is the United Nations

The nation will not disappear

If it is a digital world government that gently connects countries around the world digitally

While preserving the nations of the world

We can unite the world
6, Jan. 2023


デジタルが, 現実世界の様になる事かも知れ無い






PCをタッチすれば, Safariを始められる様になる

ノートをタッチすれば, Officeを始められる様になる

ファイルをタッチすれば, ファイルを始められる様になる

現実世界のあらゆる物が, デジタル空間に反映出来る様になる

現実世界同様に, 模様替え/整理整頓が出来る様になる

未来の3次元は, ハイブリッドかも知れ無い


Appleは世界各国にi OSを10億台普及させた

だが, 世界各国のデジタル人口は55億人を超える

詰まり世界各国で, オープンイノベーション/参加型イノベーションを起こせば, 最速でプラットフォームになることが出来る

ハイブリッドプラットフォームの真の能力は, 現実世界とデジタルの相互補完だけでは無い

3次元のデジタルを, 4次元の現実世界にすることかも知れない

Great Future/New Country/Hybrid platform/3 Dimension/4 Dimension

What is the ultimate 3 dimension

Digital may be like the real world

The real world becomes like digital

Digital becomes like the real world

Completion of real world and digital complementation

The heart of myriad applications will be a tidy digital space

The desktop/home screen, which was 2 dimension, becomes 3 dimension digital space

Touch your PC and you will be able to ready to start Safari

Touch a note and you will be able to get started with Office

Touch the file and you will be able to start the file

Everything in the real world can be reflected in the digital space

You will be able to redecorate/organize as in the real world

The future 3 Dimension may be a hybrid

How become platform at the fastest speed

Apple has spread 1 billion iOS units around the world

However, the digital population of each country in the world exceeds 5.5 billion

Clogged up open innovation/participatory innovation in countries around the world can be the fastest platform

The true power of hybrid platforms is not limited to the mutual complementation of the real world and digital

It may turn 3 dimension digital into 4 dimension real world
6, Jan. 2023


世界最大のプラットフォームは, 現実世界だ

かざすだけで, あらゆる物の情報を閲覧/編集/交流/注文出来る透明なスマートボードならば


Googleで検索しなくても, あらゆる物を知ることが出来るようになる

Appleのノートパソコン/スマートフォン/タブレットを使わなくても, あらゆる物を編集出来るようになる

Facebookを使わなくても, あらゆる物をタグ付けして交流出来るようになる

Amazonで注文しなくても, あらゆる物を注文出来るようになる

現実世界を超えたプラットフォームは, 5次元空間だ

空間のように纏められたキーボードとパッドを展開すると, パーソナルボードは


空間の中に空間を作ると, 5次元空間の5次元立方体を作る事が出来る

デジタル空間の中にあるプラットフォームは, インターネットだけでは無い

空間のように展開するだけで, あらゆるデジタル空間の情報を閲読/視聴/閲覧出来るパーソナルボードならば

ブックネットを展開すれば, あらゆる本を閲読出来るようになる

TVネットを展開すれば, あらゆるコンテンツを視聴出来るようになる

ニュースネットを展開すれば, あらゆるニュースを閲覧出来るようになる

未来のプラットフォームは, ハイブリッドかも知れ無い

Great Future/New Country/Hybrid Platform/Smart Board/Personal Board

What is the ultimate platform

The world's largest platform is the real world

With a clear smart board that allows you to view/edit/interact/order information on everything just by holding it over

You can hybridize the real world and digital

You will be able to know everything without searching on Google

You will be able to edit anything without using an Apple laptop/smartphone/tablet

You will be able to tag and interact with everything without using Facebook

You will be able to order anything without having to order from Amazon

A platform that transcends the real world is a five dimensional space

When you unfold the keyboard and pads that are organized like a space, the personal board becomes

If you create a space in a space, you can create a five dimensional cube in a five dimensional space

The Internet is not the only platform in the digital space

If it is a personal board that can read/view/browse information in any digital space just by expanding it like a space

If you expand the book net, you will be able to read any book

If you expand the TV net, you will be able to watch every content

If you expand the news net, you will be able to browse any news

Future platform is hybrid may be
6, Jan. 2023

Iot, ビックデータ, AIそしてスマートシティ


アニュアルレポートを読むと, 如何すればGAFAになれるかが見えてくる

Googleは, 拡大戦略(売上・シェア拡大)で, 先行投資(赤字含む)を惜しまず, 低コスト・大量販売を行い, 一種のオープンクローズ戦略(大量普及と高収益)で, 目的は独占で, そしてオープンクローズ戦略に自社開発(抱え込み)も取り入れ, 既存製品についてはUIインターフェイスの見直し, 使いやすさの向上, 機能の追加や不発ブランドのリブランディングを図ったうえで無償の有料化で手に入れたシェアのマネタイズをしており, 遅れている製品は後発で抜き去る戦略をして居る

詰まり上記を真似すれば, Googleを真似することが出来る

Appleは, 拡大戦略(売上・シェア拡大)で, 特筆すべきはデザイン力とブランド重視とコラボレーション戦略(製品の連携)で, 廉価版戦略で他社からの乗り換えを図りシェアを拡大し, 高機能化戦略で顧客ロイヤルティを高め, 卸売りとオンライン販売戦略を駆使しユーザーの抱え込みと開発者の抱え込みを共同開発で行い, 目的は独占(プライバシー保護名目)で, アフターサービス戦略(製品保証)で販売後の抱え込みを行い無料の有償化と有料ユーザーの取り込みをする戦略をして居る

詰まり上記を真似すれば, Appleを真似することが出来る。

Facebookは、営業利益率戦略で, アジア重要戦略拠点戦略でアジア圏を最重要地域とし, 新規コンテンツの作成と大型買収戦略(隣接分野買収)で事業を拡大し, 機能多様化戦略と相互互換性戦略(コンテンツの連携)でコンテンツを結び付け事業を相乗効果させる戦略を行って居る

詰まり上記を真似すれば, Facebookを真似することが出来る

Amazonは、拡大戦略(売上・シェア拡大)で, 顧客視点でユーザーエクスペリエンスに重きを置き, コンテンツストック型のコンテンツやサービスが増えるほど, レコメンド戦略(推奨機能)のレコメンド機能で客が客を呼ぶ循環を作り, 定額戦略で安定収入を図る戦略を行って居る

詰まり上記を真似すれば, Amazonを真似することが出来る

超越は, 真似る事から始まる

GAFAを真似すれば, GAFAを超える事が出来る

俺より若い時に, Appleを創業し世界を変えたスティーブ・ジョブズ

あいつは凄いよでも俺とは違う, どうせ俺なんて, 生まれ持ったものが違うんだと, 誰もが彼と自分を比べ自らを卑下し落胆するかもしれない

しかし, スティーブ・ジョブズも俺たちと同じ様に挫折し, 葛藤し, 戦った1人の人間だったんだ


誰もがスティーブ・ジョブズの言葉に触れ, 彼の思考と魂を理解し, 彼を真似る事で, 彼をコピーし, 彼の様になれる可能性がある

スティーブ・ジョブズの肉声を, 貴方にお届けする

Great Future/New Country/Design Think/4th Industrial Revolution/Strategy/Letter from Steve Jobs📖

Iot, big data, AI and smart cities

Like Germany/Industry 4.0 and the US/Industrial Internet Consortium, countries around the world are now working nationwide to take the lead in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

If you read the annual report, you can see how you can become GAFA

Google is an expansion strategy (sales and market share expansion). For that purpose, we will spare no upfront investment (including deficit). We sell at low cost and in large quantities. This is a kind of open-close strategy (mass diffusion and high profitability). The purpose is monopoly. It also incorporates in-house development (holding) into its open-close strategy. For existing products, we are lagging behind because we are reviewing the UI interface, improving usability, adding functions and rebranding unexploded brands, and monetizing the share obtained with free charge. Has a strategy to pull out later

You can imitate Google by imitating the above

Apple has an expansion strategy (increasing sales and market share). Of particular note are design power, brand emphasis, and collaboration strategy (product collaboration). We are expanding our market share by switching from other companies with our low-priced strategy, increasing customer loyalty with our high-performance strategy, and jointly developing users and developers by making full use of our wholesale and online sales strategies. The purpose is monopoly (in the name of privacy protection). With the after-sales service strategy (product warranty), we have a strategy of holding up after sales, making it free of charge, and attracting paid users

You can imitate Apple by imitating the above

Facebook is an operating margin strategy. With Asia as the most important region in the Asia Important Strategic Base Strategy, the company is expanding its business by creating new content and large-scale acquisition strategy (acquisition of adjacent fields). We are implementing a strategy to connect contents and make the business synergistic by function diversification strategy and mutual compatibility strategy (content cooperation)

You can imitate Facebook by imitating the above

Amazon is an expansion strategy (sales and market share expansion). Focusing on the user experience from the customer's point of view, as the number of content stock type contents and services increases, the recommendation function of the recommendation strategy (recommended function) creates a cycle in which customers call customers, and the strategy is to aim for stable income with a flat-rate strategy

You can imitate Amazon by imitating the above

Transcendence begins with imitation

If you imitate GAFA, you can surpass GAFA

Steve Jobs founded Apple and changed the world when he was younger than me

He's great, but he's not like me, I'm just born different, everyone may compare themselves with him and feel down and discouraged

But Steve Jobs was a human being who struggled and fought and failed just like the rest of us

Pablo Picasso was a genius at imitation

Anyone can touch Steve Jobs' words, understand his thoughts and soul, and copy him and be like him by imitating him

I bring you the voice of Steve Jobs in his own words
6, Jan. 2023

Iot, ビックデータ, AIそしてスマートシティ






Iot, ビックデータ, AIそしてスマートシティの中心デバイスはノートパソコンでは無くスマートフォンとなる

詰まりスマートフォンとノートパソコンの相互補完が完成するとあらゆるスマート工場, スマートハウス, スマートシティをスマートフォンやタブレットで操作出来るようになる



上司とZOOMしながら, Excelで修正点を直すことが出来る様になる

同僚とメッセージしながら, Power Pointで資料作成が出来る様になる

取引先と連絡しながら, Excelで見積書が作れる様になる

取引先データを見ながら, Power Pointで提案書が作成出来る様になる

予算レポートを見ながら, Wordで契約書が作成出来る様になる

未来のOSは, ハイブリットかも知れ無い

Great Future/Hybrid OS

Iot, big data, AI and smart cities

Like Germany/New Country/Industry 4.0 and the US/Industrial Internet Consortium, countries around the world are now working nationwide to take the lead in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

A hybrid OS for both smartphones and laptops

Smartphone becomes a laptop

Laptop will be a smartphone

Mutual complementation between smartphones and laptops is completed

The core devices for Iot, big data, AI and smart cities will be smartphones rather than laptops

When the mutual complementation of smartphones and laptops is completed, all smart factories, smart houses, and smart cities can be operated with smartphones and tablets

A hybrid OS for both smartphones and laptops is like a collection of three smartphones on a laptop

Multitasking is possible by splitting the screen of a clogged laptop computer

You will be able to correct corrections in Excel while ZOOM with your boss

You will be able to create materials with Power Point while messaged with colleagues

You will be able to create a quotation in Excel while contacting your business partners

You will be able to create proposals with Power Point while looking at customer data

You will be able to create contracts in Word while looking at the budget report

The future OS may be hybrid