Future Industry

25, Aug. 2024
未来/新しい国/2030年を見せる/基幹産業変革/B to B&Cモデル/カースマートシティOS/モビリティスマートシティ/カートランスフォーメーション








ならば日本国は今までのB to C/消費者へ販売する形態だけでなく世界中のタクシー/バス会社/公共交通機関/国へ自動車を販売するB to B/企業や国への販売形態を追加すれば良い


B to Cだけでなく世界各国へ新幹線を輸出した様にB to Bも行えば, 売上高を倍に出来る

B to B&Cモデルだ

現在, 自動車OSとスマートシティOSは別の物と考えられている

















Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/Core Industry Transformation/B to B&C Model/Car Smart City OS/Mobility Smart City/Car Transformation

Countries around the world are now working together to take the lead in manufacturing, such as India/Make in India and the U.S.A./Make America Glide Again.

What is the ultimate manufacturing industry?

The key industry in this country is the automobile.

Japan is an automobile country.

Then, we should transform this country's key industry/automobile.

It's Transformation of a key industry.

The CASE revolution is changing the automobile from an era of ownership to an era of sharing.

Then, Japan should not only sell cars to B to C/consumers, but also add B to B/businesses and countries to sell cars to taxi/bus companies/public transportation/national governments around the world.

The auto industry in this country has a turnover of about 100 trillion yen.

If we do not only B to C but also B to B like we exported Shinkansen to all over the world, we can double our sales.

It's B to B&C model.

Currently, the automobile OS and the smart city OS are considered to be two different things.

However, if the car OS and smart city OS are developed on a common platform and are fully compatible with each other

The movement of people and the movement of cars will be connected by the smart city OS.

Smartphones will be able to tell where people are in the city

Cars will be able to avoid people

Realization of an accident-free society

Cars will be able to know where they are driving in the city

Cars will be able to avoid cars

We can realize a traffic jam-free society

It's Japan's first/world's first Car Smart City OS.

The market size of smart city in 2030 will exceed 200 trillion yen.

It is clear that smart cities will be the next key industry after automobiles.

However, countries/companies around the world have not been able to show a roadmap of where to start.

If this is the case, we should connect the current key industry/automobile and the future key industry/smart city through a single road based on the car smart city OS that starts from people and cars.

It's Japan's first/the world's first Mobility Smart City.

Transforming the future with the car as the starting point

It's CX/Car Transformation.
14, Jan. 2023

Iot, ビックデータ, AIそしてスマートシティ



国家/企業は国際連合のagenda 2030に向けサスティナブルな社会を作る事が求められているが実現には程遠い











脳内世界が, プラットフォームとなる事かも知れ無い






海をイメージすれば, 家族と脳内の海でバカンス出来る様になる

空をイメージすれば, 恋人と脳内の宇宙を旅行出来る様になる

仮想国家をイメージすれば, 友人と脳内国家を探索出来る様になる

脳内空間のあらゆる物が, 始祖脳内空間に反映出来る様になる

現実世界同様に, 衣食住が出来る様になる

未来の脳世界は, ハイブリットかも知れ無い


過去/現在/未来を超えた, 取引プラットフォームとなる事かも知れ無い



時間を遡り, 過去の市場価格で株式購入出来る様になる

時間を飛躍し, 未来の市場価格で株式売却出来る様になる

時間の制約を外れ, 未来から過去に動く株式を取引出来る様になる

量子世界のあらゆる原理が, 量子株式市場に反映出来る様になる

現実株式市場同様に, 新しい1京円株式市場が作れる様になる

未来の株式市場は, ハイブリットかも知れ無い






Great Future/New Country/Hybrid

IoT, Big Data, AI and Smart City

Like Germany/Industry 4.0 and America/Industrial Internet Consortium, countries around the world are now working together to take the lead in the 4th Industrial Revolution

What is Ultimate DX?

Nations/companies are required to create a sustainable society for the United Nations agenda 2030, but it is far from being realized

This is because the non-profit purpose of sustainable is not suitable for economic development/profit

DX/Digital Transformation, which originated in Sweden, has become an existing service and is no longer new

Originally, DX and SX/sustainable transformation have a common purpose of adaptation/sustainability

Then combine DX and SX

It should be provided as DSX/Digital Sustainable Transformation

Service is also a platform

The country/company that spreads first creates the market

With DSX, it is possible to provide the conflicting services of DX/profit and SX/non-profit as one service

If a Japanese country/company spreads it first, it will become a digital service platform originating in Japan

What is the ultimate virtual reality?

The inner world may become a platform

There is technology to read brain waves already

If we could create a device that connects brain images

The mutual complementarity of the brain spaces of self and others is completed.

The center of the countless brain spaces becomes the well-organized progenitor brain space

The brain that was clogged and offline becomes the proto-online brain space

If you visualize the sea, you will be able to take a vacation with your family in the sea in your mind

If you visualize the sky, you will be able to travel through the universe in your mind with your lover

By imagining a virtual country, you can explore the country in your mind with your friends

Everything in the brain space becomes able to be reflected in the founder brain space

Just like in the real world, you will be able to rearrange/organize

The brain world of the future may be hybrid

What is the ultimate stock market?

It may become a trading platform that transcends the past/present/future

Using the time reversibility of quantum mechanics, it is possible to create a quantum stock market that allows trading between the past, present, and future

If you issue quantum stocks on the quantum stock market

You will be able to go back in time and purchase stocks at past market prices

You will be able to jump in time and sell stocks at future market prices

Get rid of time constraints and be able to trade stocks that move from the future to the past

Every principle of the quantum world will be able to be reflected in the quantum stock market

Just like the real stock market, it will be possible to create a new 1 quintillion yen stock market

The stock market of the future may be hybrid

What is the ultimate future?

Hybrid OS/Hybrid Platform/Smart Board/Personal Board/3 Dimension/4 Dimension/5 Dimension/Real Hybrid Platform/Digital World Government will change the digital/real world platform

Hybrid Brain/Brainverse will change the brain world

Hybrid Capital Market/Hybrid Stock/Quantum Stock Market/Quantum Stock will change the stock market

The future may be hybrid