27, Oct. 2024
例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある
日本国は周りを海で囲まれ, 山岳で周囲が天然要塞となっているスイスのように重武装中立になれる
国民皆兵で誰もが数年間兵役を課される事になり, 軍部/自衛隊の暴走や, 違法行為は厳しくシビリアンコントロールされるようになる
現代人は読書離れが著しいが, AIが本の要約/整理整頓をしてくれるようになり短時間で大量の本に触れる事が可能になる
現代人は寝不足だが, スリープマネジメントの発展と共に睡眠と休息に対する重要性が再認識される
より良い睡眠をより長く取る事が可能になり, リラックス出来る環境は仕事/プライベートでの集中力を生む
現代人は栄養バランスが崩れているが, デジタル技術で農家と消費者を直接結びつけるプラットフォームが出来, 高品質な有機栽培食品を直接食べられるようになる
また, 1日3食は食べ過ぎとの考えから, 食生活を簡素化し, 1日1食や2食で過ごす人々が出てくる
仕事はより自己実現や自己超越した他者貢献の場となり, 企業は従業員の働き方管理だけではなく従業員満足度を考える様になる
第2財務諸表と言えるサスティナビリティ財務諸表が開示され, 地球環境を含めたステークホルダー全体への貢献度の意識が強化される
仕事と同様にプライベートを充実させようという人が増加し, 勤務時間内にベストを尽くす効率主義の働き方になる
現代人は運動不足だが, 余暇のスポーツへの向き合い方が再考され, 健康長寿の為にもスポーツに打ち込む人が増える
現代人はスマートフォン依存気味だが, 電子機器から離れ実生活を充実させようとするデジタルデトックスが見直される
デジタルの繋がり同様に現実世界での繋がりが重要視され, デジタル化の進展は現実の世界への意識の回帰を起こす
リニア新幹線やハイパーループが始まり物理的な距離がより近くなり, 旅をする人が増え, 地方と都市の2拠点生活をする人が出てくる
また, 日本と海外の2拠点生活をする人が増えダブルホームが当たり前になる
Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/New Way of Life
What will the world look like in 2030?
For example, here's how I envision the new world.
A different way of thinking about peace
Japan can become a heavily armed neutral country like Switzerland, which is surrounded by the sea and has natural fortifications in the mountains.
Everyone will be required to serve in the military for several years, and the military/Japan self-defense forces will be strictly civilian-controlled against any outbursts or illegal activities.
It's New Peaceism.
The way we think about books will change.
People today are not reading books as much as they used to, but AI will be able to summarize/organize books for us, and we will be able to access a large number of books in a short period of
It's New Book Life.
Change in the way we think about sleep.
People today are sleep deprived, but with the development of sleep management, the importance of sleep and rest will be reaffirmed.
Better and longer sleep will be possible, and a relaxing environment will help people to concentrate at work and in their private life.
It's New Sleep Life.
A change in the way we think about food.
Today's people have nutritional imbalances, but digital technology will create a platform that directly connects farmers and consumers, allowing them to eat high quality organic food directly
from the farm.
People will also simplify their diets, eating one or two meals a day because they believe that eating three meals a day is too much.
It's New Food Life.
The way we think about work will change.
Work will become a place for self-realization and contribution to others that transcends the self, and companies will consider employee satisfaction rather than just managing the way employees
Sustainability financial statements, which can be called the second financial statement, will be disclosed, and awareness of the contribution to all stakeholders, including the global
environment, will be strengthened.
More and more people will be willing to enrich their private lives as well as their professional lives, and will work in an efficiency-oriented manner, doing their best within their working
It's New Work Life.
A change in the way people think about sports
People today do not get enough exercise, but they will reconsider how to engage in sports in their leisure time, and more people will engage in sports for their health and longevity.
It's New Sport Life.
The digital mindset is changing.
People today are dependent on smartphones, but they are rethinking the digital detox, which is a way to get away from electronic devices and enrich their real lives.
Real-world connections are just as important as digital connections, and digitalization is causing a return to real-world consciousness
It's New Digital Life.
The way we think about living space will change.
With the start of linear bullet train and hyperloop, physical distances will become closer, more people will travel, and some will live in two
locations, one in a rural area and the other in a city.
In addition, more and more people will live both in Japan and abroad, and double homesteading will become the norm.
It's New Space Life.
We can go new way of life.