13, Sep. 2024
例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある
ニューヨークで生まれた黒人の少年は, タフな役柄を演じ続けやがて黒人たちのスターとなる
人生には, くそったれな事が起こる
痛みは, 生きている証だ
俺も, 食べ物が買えず飲み物だけで幾日か過ごした事がある
腹が減って, 腹が減って眠れなかった
死は, 受け入れた時に迫ってくる
死を拒絶し, 生にしがみつく事が生きる為の秘訣だと知った
俺たちの生は, 無数の死の上にある
死にたい人間は, いない
誰もが, 生きたかったんだ
その生を, 噛み締めて最後まで, 味う
死ぬのは, 命が, 尽きた時だけで良い
自分の魂を, 殺さず, 屈さず, くそったれな, 運命に, 抗う
生き抜いて来た, その目は, 悲しみと慈愛に満ちている
誰もが, ハードボイルドなんだ
Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/Denzel Washington/Everyone Hard Boilism
What kind of world is 2030?
For example, there are ways to depict the new world
A black boy born in New York City, he plays tough roles and eventually becomes a star among blacks
Denzel Washington.
In life, shit happens.
Tragedies happen in Japan and around the world today.
Pain is a way of life.
I, too, have spent days without food or drink.
I couldn't sleep because I was hungry, hungry.
Death comes when you accept it.
I've learned that rejecting death and clinging to life is the secret to survival.
Our life is based on countless deaths.
No one wants to die.
Everyone wants to live.
We have to chew it up and savor it to the end.
We can only die when our life is exhausted.
We will not kill our souls. We will not give in. We will resist our fate.
Who has lived through it all, the eyes full of sorrow and compassion.
Everyone is hard-boiled.