
25, May. 2019




俺の父方の旧姓は, 広田

第32代内閣総理大臣, 広田弘毅は, 俺の大叔父だ

仮面ライダーカブトの役者名/水嶋ヒロと俺の名前, 米嶋とヒロは, 良く似ている

仮面ライダーカブトの妹の役者名/夏未と義弟の名前は, 良く似ている

俺は役者ではないが, 君を妹のように思っている

薄紅色の可愛い君のね, 果てない夢が, ちゃんと, 終わりますように(一青窈/ハナミズキより🎧)


この子の事を, 日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人は見守って居て呉れ


人は, 産まれ, 争う

多くの場合, 人は, 権力を望む

会社や, 組織では, 出世競争があり, 政治家は, 都知事や, 総理大臣を目指す

日本の, 最高権力者は, 形式上は内閣総理大臣とされている

しかし問題は, 内閣総理大臣になった後に, 何がしたいか/何が出来るか/何をするのかだ

国内では, 内閣総理大臣は, 本来, 中央権力者(皇族/公家), 官僚, 検察/警察, 司法, 地方権力者, 財閥/企業連合体, 宗教/カルト宗教, 暴力団/裏社会を相手にする必要がある

現実の内閣総理大臣は, これらと癒着し, この国は不正と隠蔽しか出来ないカルト国家となっている

そして, 米軍基地に囲まれたこの国では, 内閣総理大臣は, 米国, 米軍, CIAを相手にする事が, 求められる

俺の, 仮屋から1km圏内に, 日米合同委員会が開かれる, 広尾の, ニュー山王ホテルはある

現実の内閣総理大臣は, これらに隷属し, この国は戦勝国の属国となっている

俺は, 在日米軍軍人とも, CIAらしき人物とも, 会った事があるが, 彼らを相手にする場合, 最低でもハンドガン位は打てる様に練習している必要がある

それでも, 在日米軍が, 強襲してきたら, 国民の支持がなければ, 先ず立ち向かえない

もしも, これから, 世界が, 終末と, 世界大戦へ向かうとしても, 俺は, 本当に大切な人の手を, 自分からは, 絶対に離したくない

俺は, 片親だが, 父親と義母の支えの中, 幸せな10代を送った

だが, 20歳の時, 東日本大震災が起き, 政府が暴走し

20代半ば以降, まさか, 自分の生まれ育った国と戦う事になるとは, 思いもしなかった

30代になって思うのは, どんな状況でも, 楽しむ事

人生は, バーで出される一杯の, お酒の様に, 喜びも, 悲しみも味わい, 楽しむ為にある

今, 日本人の海外流出は史上最多だ

この国の支配者たちは, 日本の皆/120,000,000人は何も出来はしないと誤解しているが

こんな国, 見捨ててしまえば良い

新しい国が出来たら, その時, また帰ってくれば良い

俺も, 機会があれば, 親父がバチカン美術館を訪れたイタリアか, 世界の美の中心地であるフランスに住みたい

あらゆる強者が敗北するのは, 見捨てられた時だ

政府/国が暴走し, カルト宗教に汚染され, これだけ悪政の限りが尽くされていても


この国で耐え忍び, 生きていくという方法もある


俺は日本の皆/120,000,000人に, この国で耐えてくれとはお願い出来ない

日本国は, これから崩壊に向けて, 更に暴走していく可能性がある

だからこそ海外移住も選択肢に入れて, 国内/国外いずれでも生きていける様に準備する事が望ましい

日本の皆/120,000,000人が幸せでいられるならば, こんな国, 終わった方が良い

日本国が, 第二次世界大戦後米国の事実上の植民地だとしても


そして, 本来この国の主権は, 俺たち日本の皆/120,000,000人にある筈だ

この国では東日本大地震以降, 政府が暴走し, 酷い事が無数に起きてきた





皆, 同じ傷を背負った仲間じゃないのか


つまり俺は, 正確な情報にアクセス出来ない

だからこそ, 俺の主張には間違っている所があるかも知れない

だが, 日本の皆/120,000,000人を思う気持ちはずっと変わらない

皆, 同じ傷を背負った仲間なんだ









Masked Rider Kabuto/One Beautiful Girl in 1,000 Years/As nephew of the 32nd Prime Minister

To One Beautiful Girl in 1,000 Years

Kamen Rider Kabuto Father Actor Name/Soichi i Is My Grandfather Name

Kamen Rider Kabuto Father Actor Name/Takeshi Is My Father  Name

My Father Side Maiden Name Is Hirota

Koki Hirota, 32nd Prime Minister of Japan Is My Great Uncle

Kamen Rider Kabuto Actor Name/Hiro Mizushima And My Name Yoneshima and Hiro Are Very Similar

Kamen Rider Kabuto Sister Actor Name/Natsumi And In Law Brother Name Are Very Similar

I'm Not Actor, But I Think You Like Sister

May your cute little crimson-colored, never-ending dreams, properly end (from Yo Hitoto/Hanamizuki🎧)

In Japan, there are many missing persons cases where a plasticized look-alike/worm is prepared and the person in question disappears

Could You Please Watch/See Safe Her, Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

To everyone in Japan/120,000,000 people

People are born and fight

In many cases, people desire power

In companies and organizations, there is a race for success, and politicians aim to become the Tokyo governor or the prime minister

In Japan, the highest authority is formally considered to be the Prime Minister

But the question is what he/she wants to do, what he/she can do, and what he/she will do after becoming the Prime Minister

In Japan, the prime minister is essentially required to deal with the central powers (royal family/officials), bureaucrats, prosecutors/police, judiciary, local powers, conglomerates/corporate syndicates, religions/cults, and gangs/underworlds

The actual prime minister is in league with these people, and this country has become a cult state capable of nothing but fraud and cover-ups

And in a country surrounded by US military bases, the prime minister is required to deal with the US, the US military, and the CIA

The New Sanno Hotel in Hiroo, where the Japan-U.S. Joint Committee will meet, is within 1km from my temporary residence

The actual prime minister is a slave to them, and this country is a vassal state of the victorious nation

I have met with U.S. servicemen in Japan, and with CIA-like figures, and when dealing with them, you need to be trained to shoot at least a handgun

Even so, if the U.S. forces in Japan attack us, we will not be able to stand up to them without the support of the people

Even if the world is headed for the apocalypse and a world war, I will never let go of the hands of those I truly care about

I was a single parent, but with the support of my father and stepmother, I had a happy teenage life

However, when I was 20 years old, the Great East Japan Earthquake happened and the government went out of control

I never thought that after my mid-twenties, I would have to fight against the country where I was born and raised

Now that I'm in my thirties, I think it's important to have fun, no matter what the circumstances

Life is like a glass of wine served at a bar, to savor and enjoy the joys and sorrows

Now, the outflow of Japanese people overseas is the largest in history

The rulers of this country mistakenly believe that everyone/120,000,000 in Japan can do nothing

Let's abandon this country

When a new country is established, then they can come back

If I had the chance, I would like to live in Italy, where my father visited the Vatican Museums, or in France, the center of beauty in the world

Every strong man is defeated when he is abandoned

Even if the government/country is out of control, contaminated by cults, and has gone as far as it can go, we will still be able to live in a new world

Until a new country is established

There is a way to endure and live in this country

But in the current situation where the country is killing its people

I can't ask 120,000,000 people in Japan to endure in this country

Japan is likely to collapse and run out of control

That is why it is advisable to prepare to live in or out of Japan with the option of emigrating abroad

If everyone/120,000,000 people in Japan can be happy, this country should be over

Even if Japan is a de facto colony of the USA after WWII

The USA is collapsing

And the sovereignty of this country should belong to us, the Japanese people

Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, the government has run amok and countless terrible things have happened in this country

Fukushima nuclear power plant explosion and Eat and Cheer

The new corona vaccine and vaccine damage

The most suicides and missing persons in the world

Everyone in Japan/120,000,000 are like abandoned people

I thought we were all fellow countrymen with the same wounds

I am not the intelligence of Japan or any other country

That means I don't have access to accurate information

That's why I may be wrong in some of my assertions

But my feelings for all of Japan/120,000,000 people will never change

We are all fellow with the same wounds

Please Check/Short Story Information/The Invisible Bride📖


One day, I, who lives alone, start to worry about the existence of an invisible human.

However, I do not assume that the invisible human exists because it would be a mental or psychological illness and I should go to a psychiatrist.

In the movie "Shin Kamen Rider" an actress named Minami Hamabe played the main character Ruriko Midorikawa.

In Japan, there have been many cases of missing persons in which a plastic surgery look-alike is prepared and the person in question disappears.

No one wants to see a movie where girls are sacrificed, so please help her.

my imagination was broadened by the possibility of the existence of military technology that is not widely available to the public and the existence of a girl who needs help....

22, Dec. 2024

俺は,  PRADAが好きだ

PRADAは, イタリア王室サヴォイア家の御用達だ

俺に, 新品で買うお金はない

俺は, 中古のPRADAを自分の御用達にしている




この2つは, ビジネス/プライベート両方で使用している

そして富裕層が百貨店外商より購入した未使用品を, 俺が中古で購入したレザーコート

このコートは, 特別な時しか着ない

人も物も, 消耗品ではない

俺が人生を共にするブランド, それが PRADAだ

Used Purveyor

I like PRADA.

PRADA is the purveyor of the Italian royal, the Savoy family.

I don't have money to buy a new one.

I'm using a used PRADA as my purveyor. 

I don't intend to add more, I have three used PRADA treasures.

First, a Light Polyester Padded Jacket/LR-MX008-MK2 setup for winter.

Second, a spring/fall Active Re-nylon Windbreaker/Art.291493 setup.

These two are used for both business and personal use.

And a leather coat that I bought second-hand from a wealthy man who bought it from a department store outlet.

This coat is worn only for special occasions.

People and things are not expendable.

The brand I share my life with, is PRADA.
21, Dec. 2024

俺は, 殆ど全てを奪われた


カブト, 今お前の未来を壊してやったぞ

俺は既に, 未来を掴んでいる

そしてこれからも, 掴み続ける

Hyper Zecter

I've had almost everything taken from me.

Someone said.

Kabuto, I just destroyed your future.

I already have my future.

And I will continue to hold it.
8, Dec. 2024
グローバルアナウンスメント/仮想国家のご案内/Book Nation📖


俺は, 仮想国家を作った

仮想国家ブックネイション──日本の東京かフランスのパリから物語が生まれ続けます, この国の住人は, 読者の皆様──ようこそ, 日本初/世界初のデジタル国家へ

凡ゆるものを超えて, 俺たちは, 繋がっている

Global Announcement/Virtual Nation/Book Nation📖

What is the New Nation in Digital Space?

I've created a virtual nation

Book Ntaion a story will continue to be born from Tokyo, Japan or Paris, France, the inhabitants of this nation, dear readers - welcome to the first digital nation in Japan/the world

Beyond all things, we are connected
8, Dec. 2024

仮面ライダーカブトでは, マスクドライダーシステム資格者/天道総司は, 最終的にパリに行く

俺は, 2, 3年後, 社内公募制度を使い, パリのヘッドウォーターで働き, フランスで暮らす事を考えている

日本国は, 崩壊して来ている

新しい国が出来るまで, 海外/フランスで過ごしたいと思っている

フランスで, フランス人と出逢い, 結婚すれば,

フランスは, 俺の, もう1つの母国となる

例え, 日本国がどんな状況になろうとも, 報復と怨讐の連鎖から距離を置き, 国家に囚われない人生を送りたい

その為には, 英語と, フランス語を勉強する必要がある

紳士である事, プロフェッショナルである事, その先に,

新しい世界が, 俺を待っている

Global Announcement/Masked Rider Kabuto/Tendo Goes to Paris

In Masked Rider Kabuto, Masked Rider System Qualified Person/Souji Tendo finally goes to Paris

I'm thinking of taking a job in the head quarter in Paris and living in France in a couple of years, using the in-house recruitment system.

Japan is falling apart.

I would like to stay abroad in France until a new country is established.

If I meet and marry a Frenchman in France

France will be my, another home country.

No matter what happens to Japan, I want to live a life free from the nation, away from the cycle of retaliation and vengeance.

To do so, I need to learn English and French.

I need to be a gentleman, a professional, and beyond that

A new world is waiting for me.
5, Dec. 2024
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/初代王と憎しみ

俺は父親曰く, 正義感が強い

片親だった事もあり, 少年時代から友人や先輩には不良もいた

それでも, 俺は非行や犯罪とは一線を画してきた


20代の頃は, 社会の不条理や理不尽に憤りを感じた

親父も, 40代までアンガーマネジメントが出来なかったと言っていた

誰もが, 自分の人生の主人公だ

FINAL FANTASY XVでは, 初代王ソムヌスは, 憎しみに呑まれてしまう

俺は王様ではないが, 主人公ならどう考えるか?と自分に問う様になった

憎しみは, 報復と怨讐を生む

復讐は, 心を曇らす

若い頃は心で戦っていた記憶があるが, 戦いは麻薬だ

戦闘そのものに, 価値を見出してしまう

その結果, 血と涙で人生を浪費する

俺は, 正当防衛を除き修羅道から身を引いた

相手を打ち負かす事より, 自分が変わっていく事を選んだ

親父は以前, 海が見える街に住んでいた

奥さんを亡くした後, どんな気持ちで海を眺めていたのだろう

俺は, 心の海に身を置く


寄せては返す営みの中で, 俺は, 遥か未来で生まれる自分の娘を想う

生まれるお前を, 待っているんだ

Global Announcement/FFXV REAL EDITION/First King And Hate

I have a strong sense of justice, according to my father.

As a single parent, I had friends and seniors who were delinquents.

But I have always stayed away from delinquency and crime.

The law should be obeyed.

When I was in my twenties, I resented the absurdity and unreasonableness of society.

My father, too, said he didn't learn anger management until he was in his 40s

Everyone is the protagonist of his or her own life.

In FINAL FANTASY XV, the first king, Somnus, is consumed by hatred.

I'm not a king, but how would I think if I were the hero?I began to ask myself "What would the hero think?

Hatred begets retribution and vengeance.

Revenge clouds the mind.

I remember when I was young, I used to fight with my heart, but fighting is a drug.

And it wastes your life in blood and tears.

I've retreated from endless war, except for self-defense.

I chose to be a changed man instead of a beaten one.

My father used to live in a town by the sea.

I wonder how he felt after he lost his wife.

I'm going to sit in the ocean of my heart.

Waves come in.

In the midst of the waves coming and going, I think of my daughter who will be born far in the future.

I'm waiting for you to be born.
16, Nov. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある



グローバルサウスもSU/サウスユニオンが出来れば, EU/ヨーロッパ連合のGDP/人口を超えて世界最大の共同体になる

しかし経済規模/人口で勝るだけでは, 西側を超えたとは言えない

BRICS/グローバルサウス共に, G7/EUを上回る共通の価値観が無いのだ

価値観がなければ, 真の結束も超越もない

相手を超えるとは, 戦って打ち負かす事ではない

相手の良い所は認め取り入れ, 相手から学び, コピーし, 自分たちのより良いオリジナルを作っていく事だ

自由/平等/博愛の精神は, フランスで生まれた

世界は, 自由だろうか?

思想信条の自由が担保され, 直接民主主義で民意がダイレクトに反映され, 誰もが言いたい事を言え自分らしく生きれる場所であるべきだ

世界は, 平等だろうか?

現実には, 王侯貴族が存在する

古代インドの釈迦族の王子として生まれたゴータマ・シッダルータ/仏陀は自分の立場に疑問を感じ出家したが, 俺は聖人ではない

だが, ベーシックインカムで生活が保証され, 格差の是正がなされ, 機会の平等は誰にでもあるべきだ

世界は, 愛に満ちているだろうか?

国内外で分断され, 戦争や犯罪が起き, 血と涙が流れ憎悪と怨讐が渦巻いている

俺たちは, 愛を忘れているのではないだろうか?

西側の素晴らしい価値観は学び, 東側はより良い価値観を自ら作っていく必要がある

それこそが, 本当の超越だ

その先に, 真のグローバルサウスの結束と, 西側/EU, 米国と対等提携した新しい世界がある


Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/New Worldism

What will the world look like in 2030?

For example, there is a way to envision a new world.

How can the East surpass the West?

BRICS already exceeded the GDP/population of the G7 global

The Global South will also be the largest community in the world, surpassing the GDP/population of EU/European Union when the SU/South Union is formed.

However, just winning in economic size/population does not mean surpassing the West.

Neither BRICS/Global South has more common values than G7/EU

Without values, there is no true unity and transcendence.

Exceeding the other side does not mean fighting and defeating them.

It is about recognizing and adopting what is good about the other side, learning from them, copying them, and creating our own better original.

The spirit of freedom, equality, and philanthropy was born in France.

Is the world free?

It should be a place where freedom of thought and belief is guaranteed, where the will of the people is directly reflected through direct democracy, and where everyone can say what they want to say and live their own lives.

Is the world equal?

In reality, there are royalty and aristocracy.

Gautama Siddhartha/Buddha, born a prince of the Sakyamuni tribe in ancient India, was ordained because he questioned his position, but I am not a saint.

However, basic income guarantees livelihood, reduces inequality, and provides equal opportunity for all.

Is the world full of love?

Divided at country and abroad, wars and crimes, blood and tears, hatred, evil and enmity.

Have we forgotten love?

We need to learn the great values of the West, and the East needs to create better values for itself.

That is true transcendence.

Beyond that, there is the unity of a genuine Global South and a new world in equal partnership with the West/EU and USA.

It's New Worldism.
23, Oct. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある

オーストリアの元首相セバスティアン・クルツは, 俺より若い世界最年少の31歳で国家元首/首相となったが, 家族が出来て, 考え方が変わったとして辞任した

第三次世界大戦の瀬戸際/西側の衰退/グローバルサウスの台頭, 世界は今激動の時代にあり, 国家元首/権力者/偉人が歴史を作る

だが, 俺はその一部の人間が作る歴史に価値を感じはしない

俺自身, 天下国家を語ると何か自分が一丁前の大人になった気分になれるが, 目の前の困っている人, 助けを求めている人, 見て見ぬふりをされている大衆, 1人1人に人生がある

それこそが, 本当の歴史だ

世界各国の指導者たちは, 国民1人1人の顔が見えているだろうか?


それは生まれた時から, 育ててくれた社会から, 脈々と受け継がれてきた1人1人の人生の証だ

兜は本来, 戦士が被るものだった

見方を変えれば, この世界には7,000,000,000人の兵士がいる

何者も, この軍団には勝てない

学生時代, 学校ではスクールカーストがある

体育会のキャプテンやムードメーカー, 異性にモテる人間がトップカーストであり, 物静かなオタクやコミュニケーション能力が強くない人間は最低のカーストにある


だが, 俺はスクールカーストに疑問を感じていた

誰もが自分の人生の主人公なのだから, 階層で分類するのはおかしい





皆, 生きている




俺は片親だが, 父親も義母もいてくれたし, 歳の離れた義弟もいた

そして学校, 社会と今思えば俺たちの周りには幾つもの愛がいつもあった


それを少しだけ, 他人や社会にも向けて見て欲しい

この残酷で悲惨な世界でも, 日常の至る所に愛は満ちている



Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/Headpiece/Real Historicism/True Love

What will the world look like in 2030?

For example, here's how I envision the new world

Sebastian Kurz, former Austrian Chancellor, who became the world's youngest head of state/chancellor at the age of 31, younger than me, resigned because he had a family and changed his mind.

On the brink of World War III/the decline of the West/the rise of the Global South, the world is in a period of upheaval, and heads of state/people in power/great men make history.

But I don't value the history that some people make.

I, myself, feel like an adult when I talk about the nation under the rule of heaven, but each person in need, each person who needs help, each person who is turned a blind eye, each person has a life of his own.

That's the real history.

Do the leaders of the world see the face of each of their people?

Everyone wears a transparent headpiece on his head.

It is the proof of each individual's life, passed down from birth, from the society that raised them.

headpiece were originally worn by warriors.

There are 7,000,000,000 soldiers in this world.

No one can defeat this army.

When I was in school, there was a school caste.

The captain of the gymnastics club, the mood maker, the most popular with the opposite sex are in the top caste, while the quiet nerds and those who are not good communicators are in the lowest caste.

There is even a boy with the nickname "King".

But I had my doubts about the school caste.

Everyone is the protagonist of his or her own life, so it's not right to categorize them in a hierarchy.

It's the same in adult society.

I lead a quiet life

And rather than a history created by the world powers. 

I can picture in my mind's eye the faces of everyone in Japan and the world where each one of us lives.

They are alive.

That's what humanity is.

This is real history.

It's Real Historicism.

I am a single parent, but I had a father, a stepmother, and a stepbrother.

I have a father, a stepmother, and a stepbrother who is older than me.

And school, society, and now that I think about it, there were always several loves around us.

I want you to look at it a little bit toward other people and society.

Even in this cruel and miserable world, love is everywhere in our daily life.

Live with love.

It's True love.
22, Oct. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある

この国では, 悪が蔓延る

強者だけが得をし, 弱者は見て見ぬ振りをされ, 格差と貧困が広がり続ける

古来, 日本には武士道という精神があったが士農工商/身分制度の時代には, 俺たち一般市民には遠い価値観だった

今こそ日本には, 徳川家を始め武家達の復活が必要なのではないだろうか




古来から, フランスを始めヨーロッパには騎士道という精神があった

ヨーロッパが今後も輝かしい歴史を維持して行く為には, 騎士道の復活が必要なのではないだろうか




公益を分け合い, 皆で共に生きていく


その時, 日本の武士道とヨーロッパの騎士道は


Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/New Bushido/New Chivalry

What will the world look like in 2030?

For example, there are ways to depict the new world

Evil prevails in this country.

Only the strong benefit, the weak are turned a blind eye, and inequality and poverty continue to spread.

In ancient times, Japan had the spirit of Bushido, but in the age of samurai, farmers, artisans, and merchants, it was a value far away from us ordinary citizens.

Now is the time for Japan to revive the Tokugawa family and other samurai families.

It is not about reviving the status system.

We need to revive the spirit of Bushido, the spirit of the Japanese nation.

It's New Bushido.

Since ancient times, there has been a spirit of chivalry in Europe, including France.

If Europe is to maintain its glorious history in the future, it is necessary to revive chivalry.

It's New Chivalry.

Discourage the strong

Help the weak

Share the common good, and live together.

Bushido/chivalry that leads to this kind of righteousness is what is needed in this age.

At that time, Bushido in Japan and chivalry in Europe

Japan's Bushido and Europe's chivalry will be united, transcending East and West.
19, Oct. 2024

まだ20代の頃, 父親から新しい働き方という本を紹介された

そこでは勤務時間内にベストを尽くしながらも, プライベートも大切にする新しい形の働き方が書いてあり, 30代になった今, 実現したい


10代の時は, 何時死んでも良いと思っていたが, 80代になると, 死ぬのが怖くなって来る


仕事では, プロ意識が求められる

だが, プライベートでは, 生まれ/育ち/学歴/資格/立場, 自分を構成する総ての要素を捨て去って, 空のような男でありたい


中学/高校と体育会水泳部だったので, 海も好きだ

押しては返す波を見ていると, 自分の悩みも悲しみも, ちっぽけなものだと思える

どれ程の権力を持っていても, 心だけは縛る事は出来ない

心は, 自由だ

あいつ爽やかな奴だったよと, 思い出して貰える様な, 爽やかな男でありたい

空のように, 海のように

Like Sky And Ocean

When I was still in my twenties, my father introduced me to a book about a new way of working.

In the book, he wrote about a new type of work style that allows you to do your best within your working hours while also cherishing your private life.

How long will I be satisfied with my life?

When I was a teenager, I thought I could die at any time, but in my 80s, I am afraid of dying.

I love the sky.

Professionalism is required at work.

But in my private life, I want to be a man like the sky, leaving behind all the elements that make up who I am, such as birth, upbringing, education, qualifications, and position.

I was a member of the swimming club in junior high school and high school, so I love ocean too.

When I see the waves coming and going, my worries and sorrows seem so small.

No matter how much power you have, you can't bind your heart.

The heart is free.

I want to be a fresh man so that people will remember that he was a fresh man.

Like sky, like ocean.
17, Oct. 2024

20歳の時, 日本の公認会計士試験に合格した

21歳の時, USCPAにも合格し日本人最年少の日米両方の公認会計士試験合格者となった

お勉強だけ出来ても, 社会の事も, 自分の未来の事も, 何も知らない子供だった



10数年振りに, 日本/米国の公認会計士登録をする




俺, 変わるんだ


At the age of 20, I passed the Japanese CPA exam.

At the age of 21, I also passed the USCPA and became the youngest Japanese to pass both the Japanese and USCPA exams.

I was a child who knew nothing about society or my future, even though I could only study.

More than 10 years have passed since then.

How much have I changed?

For the first time in more than 10 years, I will register as a CPA in Japan and US.

I want to make a promise to myself.

To be a gentleman.

To be a professional.

I'm going to change.
13, Oct. 2024

少年時代, 生意気だった

青春時代, 落ち着いていた

新卒で大阪に行き, 東京に戻り, インドにも行った

生活に困り, 苦汁を嘗めた事もあった

それでも, 人の道は踏み外さないできた

人生では, 想定外の事が起きる

その時には, 落ち着いていて紳士である事が求められる

生まれや育ちではなく, 礼節が紳士を作ると言った人たちがいた



礼節が, 人を作る


Boyhood, I'm Cocky.

Youth, I'm calm.

When I graduated, I went to Osaka, came back to Tokyo, went to India too.

I had a hard time making a living, and I had a hard time.

And yet, I have not strayed from the path of humanity.

In life, unexpected things happen.

At that time, you are expected to be calm and a gentleman.

There are those who say that it's not your birth or your upbringing, but your civility that makes you a gentleman.

I'm not an intelligence of Japan or any other country. 

I'm not an intelligence of Japan or any other country,

But an independent intelligence/Kingsman who belongs to no country said

Manners maketh man.
9, Sep. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある



日本国が世界中の中立主義国100ヵ国以上とSU/サウスユニオンを作り, EU/欧州連合と対等提携すれば, 最後に米国がその輪に加わろうとするだろう


だからこそ1ヵ国のみで米国を相手にする事は, 無理なんだ

今までも米国に楯突いた, 裏切った, 対等な関係を望んだ日本国の政治家は, 米国, 米軍, CIAに社会的/経済的/肉体的に抹殺されて来た

内閣総理大臣でも米国に逆らったら, 殺されて来たんだ

日本国が1ヵ国で米国から独立する事は, 無理なんだ

ならば米国を相手にする時は, 周りを囲めば良い

世界が米国から離反して初めて, 米国は自らを見直す

だからこそSU/サウスユニオンを作り, EU/欧州連合と対等提携し最後に米国が加入する流れでなければ, 世界政府は永遠に出来ない

世界政府が実現しないのは, その実現過程が不透明だからだ

ならば, シンプルに足し算で作れば良い


Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/SU+EU +USA/World Government by Adding Up

What will the world look like in 2030?

For example, there is a way to envision a new world

What would a realistic world government look like?

There is a way to create it by addition.

If Japan forms the SU/South Union with more than 100 neutralist countries around the world and joins the EU/European Union as an equal partner, USA will be the last one to join the circle.

The USA has the largest economy and military power in the world.

That is why it is impossible for one country to take on the USA alone.

Japanese politicians who have defied, betrayed, or desired equal relations with the USA have been eliminated socially, economically, and physically by the USA, the USA military, and the CIA.

Even the Prime Minister of Japan has been killed for defying the USA.

It is impossible for Japan to be independent from the USA by itself.

Then, when dealing with the USA, surround yourself with them.

Only when the world breaks away from the USA, will the USA rethink itself.

That is why the world government can never be established unless the SU/South Union is created, then the EU/European Union and the USA join as equals, and finally the USA will join as a member.

The reason why the world government is not realized is that the process of its realization is not clear.

Then, we should create it simply by adding up.

It's World Government by addition.
4, Sep. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある




日本国がグローバルサウス/世界中の中立主義国100ヵ国以上とSU/サウスユニオンを作り, EU/欧州連合と対等提携すれば


EU/欧州連合の本部がベルギーにある様に, 日本国が中国/インドと共にSU/サウスユニオンの盟主となりSU/サウスユニオン本部を日本国に置けば, 日本国は世界政府の中心地になれる可能性がある

世界政府が実現しないのは, その実現過程が不透明だからだ

ならば, シンプルに足し算で作れば良い


Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/SU+EU/World Government by Adding Up

What will the world look like in 2030?

For example, there is a way to envision a new world

What would a realistic world government look like?

There is a way to create it by addition.

Europe already has a community called EU/European Union.

If Japan forms SU/South Union with Global South/more than 100 neutralist countries in the world, and then joins with EU/European Union as an equal partner, the world will be one beyond East and West.

The world can be united beyond East and West.

Just as the headquarters of EU/European Union is in Belgium, Japan could become the center of the world government if Japan becomes an ally of SU/South Union with China/India and the headquarters of SU/South Union is located in Japan.

The reason why the world government is not realized is that the process of its realization is not clear.

Then, we should create it simply by adding up.

It's World Government by addition.
4, Sep. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある


世界ではグローバルサウスと言われる, 中立主義の国/中立国が増えている

アルゼンチン/ブラジル/中国/インド/インドネシア/サウジアラビア/南アフリカ/北朝鮮/モンゴル/マレーシア/パキスタン/フィリピン/タイ/フィジー/サモア/エジプト/エチオピア/イラク/ケニア/リビア/ナイジェリア/アラブ首長国連邦/チリ/キューバ/ペルー/ウルグアイ/ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナを始め, 中立主義国は, 100カ国を超える




ならば, 日本は中国/インドと共にグローバルサウスの盟主となれば良い

グローバルサウスの連合を作れば, 日本はEU/欧州連合のドイツの様に経済成長出来る


Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/SU/South Union

What will the world look like in 2030?

For example, there are ways to envision a new world

What would a new union of nations look like?

There are a growing number of neutralist/neutral countries in the world, called the Global South

Argentina/Brazil/China/India/Indonesia/Saudi Arabia/South Africa/North Korea/Mongolia/Malaysia/Pakistan/Philippines/Thailand/Fiji/Samoa/Egypt/Ethiopia/Iraq/Kenya/Libya/Nigeria/United Arab Emirates/Chile/Cuba/PeruUruguay/Bosnia and Herzegovina, and more than 100 neutralist countries.

Why did Germany overtake Japan's GDP?

Because it is a member of EU/European Union

The strength of Europe is that the countries are united as EU/European Union.

Then, Japan should be an ally of Global South with China/India.

By creating a union of Global South, Japan can grow its economy like Germany in EU/European Union.

It's SU/South Union.
3, Sep. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある

日本国が, 第二次世界大戦後米国の事実上の植民地だとしても


そして, 本来この国の主権は, 俺たち日本の皆/120,000,000人にある筈だ

この国では東日本大地震以降, 政府が暴走し, 酷い事が無数に起きてきた





皆, 同じ傷を背負った仲間じゃないのか


つまり俺は, 正確な情報にアクセス出来ない

だからこそ, 俺の主張には間違っている所があるかも知れない

だが, 日本の皆/120,000,000人を思う気持ちはずっと変わらない

皆, 同じ傷を背負った仲間なんだ



Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/Colonism

What will the world look like in 2030?

For example, there are ways to envision a new world

Even if Japan is a de facto colony of the USA after WWII

The USA is collapsing.

And the sovereignty of this country should belong to us, the Japanese people.

Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, the government has run amok and countless terrible things have happened in this country.

Fukushima nuclear power plant explosion and Eat and Cheer

The new corona vaccine and vaccine damage

The most suicides and missing persons in the world

Everyone in Japan/120,000,000 are like abandoned people

I thought we were all fellow countrymen with the same wounds.

I am not the intelligence of Japan or any other country.

That means I don't have access to accurate information.

That's why I may be wrong in some of my assertions.

But my feelings for all of Japan/120,000,000 people will never change.

We are all fellow with the same wounds.

Beyond Nationalism/Countrism

It's Colonism/Communism.
29, Aug. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある

政府/国が暴走し, カルト宗教に汚染され, これだけ悪政の限りが尽くされていても


この国で耐え忍び, 生きていくという方法がある



俺は日本の皆/120,000,000人に, この国で耐えてくれとはお願い出来ない

日本国は, これから崩壊に向けて, 更に暴走していく可能性がある

だからこそ海外移住も選択肢に入れて, 国内/国外いずれでも生きていける様に準備する事が望ましい

日本の皆/120,000,000人が幸せでいられるならば, こんな国, 終わった方が良い

Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/Localism

What will the world look like in 2030?

For example, there are ways to envision a new world

Even if the government/country is out of control, contaminated by cults, and has gone as far as it can go, we will still be able to live in a new world.

Until a new country is established.

There is a way to endure and live in this country.

It's Localism.

But in the current situation where the country is killing its people.

I can't ask 120,000,000 people in Japan to endure in this country.

Japan is likely to collapse and run out of control.

That is why it is advisable to prepare to live in or out of Japan with the option of emigrating abroad.

If everyone/120,000,000 people in Japan can be happy, this country should be over.
28, Aug. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある

今, 日本人の海外流出は史上最多だ

日本国の支配者たちは, 日本の皆/120,000,000人は何も出来はしないと誤解しているが

こんな国, 見捨ててしまえば良い

新しい国が出来たら, その時, また帰ってくれば良い

俺も, 機会があれば, 親父がバチカン美術館を訪れたイタリアか, 世界の美の中心地であるフランスに住みたい

あらゆる強者が敗北するのは, 見捨てられた時だ


Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/Worldism

What will the world look like in 2030?

For example, there is a way to envision a new world

Right now, the outflow of Japanese people to foreign countries is the largest in history.

The rulers of Japan mistakenly believe that everyone/120,000,000,000 people in Japan can't do anything.

Abandon this country.

When a new country is established, you can come back then.

If I had the chance, I would like to live in Italy, where my father visited the Vatican Museums, or in France, the center of beauty in the world.

Every strong man loses when he is abandoned.

It's Worldism.
8, Aug. 2024
グローバルアナウンスメント/日本の皆へ/災害列島 命を守る防災情報/NHK

日本の皆に, 周知しておきたい事がある

下記NHKサイトでは, 地震/津波/台風といった自然災害で想定される被害や事前に発表される情報の意味を正しく理解して日頃から十分な備えをすることが重要との観点から「これだけは知っておきたい」という情報をセレクトして掲載している

日本の皆/120,000,000人の命を守る, 一助になれば, 幸いだ

Global Announcement/To Everyone In Japan/Disaster Islands Disaster Prevention Information to Protect Lives/NHK

To everyone in Japan, there is something you need to know.

The NHK website below provides a selection of information on the importance of understanding the possible damage from natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons, and the meaning of the information released in advance, so that you can be adequately prepared on a daily basis.

I hope it helps to protect the lives of 120,000,000 people in Japan.
災害列島 命を守る情報サイト NHK
5, Aug. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある



ヨーロッパ/ウクライナ/ロシアで戦争が始まり, 中東/イラン/イスラエルで戦争が始まろうとしている

真の世界の頂点は, 安全な場所にいる

ハプスブルク家のいるオーストリアは, スイスと共に永世中立国だ

世界ではグローバルサウスと言われる, 中立主義の国/中立国が増えている

アルゼンチン/ブラジル/中国/インド/インドネシア/サウジアラビア/南アフリカ/北朝鮮/モンゴル/マレーシア/パキスタン/フィリピン/タイ/フィジー/サモア/エジプト/エチオピア/イラク/ケニア/リビア/ナイジェリア/アラブ首長国連邦/チリ/キューバ/ペルー/ウルグアイ/ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナを始め, 中立主義国は, 100カ国を超える

世界の最大多数は, 中立だ

日本の投票率は, 50%を下回る

つまり, 日本では国/政府が国民の代表とはなっていない

国内外の圧力から, 日本国/政府が中立主義を取れないとしても

真の主権者である, 俺たち日本の皆/120,000,000人は, 中立主義を取るべきだ

それだけが, 第三次世界大戦から, 俺たちを助けてくれる唯一の道だ

Great Future/New Country/Show 2030/Neutralism

What is the world like in 2030?

For example, there is a way to picture the new world

Which countries will survive World War III?

The countries that did not participate.

War has started in Europe/Ukraine/Russia, war is about to start in the Middle East/Iran/Israel.

The true top of the world is in a safe place.

Austria with the Habsburgs family is a permanent neutral country along with Switzerland.

More and more neutralist/neutral countries in the world, called the Global South

Argentina/Brazil/China/India/Indonesia/Saudi Arabia/South Africa/North Korea/Mongolia/Malaysia/Pakistan/Philippines/Thailand/Fiji/Samoa/Egypt/Ethiopia/Iraq/Kenya/Libya/Nigeria/United Arab Emirates/Chile/Cuba/PeruUruguay/Bosnia and Herzegovina, and more than 100 neutralist countries.

The largest majority in the world is neutral.

Voting rate in Japan is less than 50%.

In other words, the country/government does not represent the people in Japan.

Even if Japan's government is unable to maintain neutrality due to domestic and international pressure

We, the true sovereign people of Japan, all 120,000,000,000 of us, should be neutralists

That is the only way to save us from World War III.
2, Aug. 2024

これからの世界について, 皆に周知したい事がある

これから, 日本/世界では, 次の事が起きる可能性がある







複合災害/核攻撃/寒冷化/内戦/権力闘争/革命では, 国/政府は機能しなくなる事がある

その時に必要なのは, 民間防衛だ

永世中立国/スイスの民間防衛マニュアル(日本語版も販売している)は, 叡智を与えてくれるだろう

複合災害/核攻撃/寒冷化/内戦/権力闘争/革命が起きても重要な事は, 何が起きても, 落ち着いて日常を送る事だ

皆なら, きっと出来る

Global Announcement/To Everyone in Japan And Around World/World Future/Swiss Civil Defense

A few words to let everyone know about the world in the future

In the future, the following things may happen in Japan/world

(1) Simultaneous multiple disasters

(2) Simultaneous Nuclear Attacks

(3) Simultaneous Cold Weather

(4) Simultaneous Civil War

(5) Simultaneous Power Struggles

(6) Simultaneous Revolutions

In a combined disaster/nuclear attack/cold weather/civil war/power struggle/revolution, the country/government may cease to function

What is needed then is civil defense

The Permanent Neutral Country/Swiss Civil Defense Manual (also available in Japanese) may offer some wisdom.

Whenever there is a complex disaster/nuclear attack/cold snap/civil war/power struggle/revolution, the important thing is to stay calm and go about your daily life, no matter what happens

You can do it

11, Jul. 2024

グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/父と子

2015年/24歳の時の, 父のバチカン美術館からの手紙を見つけたので, 約10年振りに, 返信しようと思う


思春期と青春時代を過ごした田町のカフェ/EXCELCIOR CAFEでこの返信を書いています

母さんにいつも祈ることは, 俺のことは良いから, 父さんを守ってあげて下さいという事です

神に祈るのは, 俺のことは良いから, 俺の, 大切な人たちと, 無垢な, 罪なき人々を守って下さいという事です

俺のことは, 良いから

自分のことは, 自分で何とかします

あなたの人生が終わった後に, 妻と, 再び, 天国で会えますように


Global Announcement/FFXV REAL EDITION/Father And Child

I found my father's letter from the Vatican Museums, from 2015/24, and for the first time in almost 10 years, I thought I'd reply

Father Bongiorno

I am writing this reply in the cafe/EXCELCIOR CAFE in Tamachi, where I spent my adolescence and youth

I always pray to my mother to protect my father, not to take care of me

I pray to God to protect my loved ones, the innocent, not to take care of me

Don't worry about me

I can take care of myself

May you see your wife again, after your life is over, in heaven


12, Jan. 2024

グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/ロイヤル/初代王/ファイナルフェーズ/自分自身の王









GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT/FFXV REAL EDITION/Royal/First King/Final Phase/King of Myself

We Lost All Important People Someday?

Blood Never Stop?

First King

Your Sadness More Than Me?

You Have Anger And Hate?

I Stay With Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000  People

I Was/Am/Will Be King of Myself

I Against You

1, Sep. 2023
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/疾風伝/王都インソムニア/木の葉隠れの里

2011年, 3.11/東日本大地震の時, 俺は20歳だった




勝者とされる個人は, 将来台頭するのを防ぐ為, 潰される

ハプスブルク家を名乗る者が, 次の事を宣告した

俺と父親を, 殺害する事

俺のデジタル/リアルの知り合いを, 酷い目に遭わせて来た事

日本人を, ジェノサイド/虐殺して居る事

王都インソムニア/木の葉隠れの里/東京は, 静かだ




GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT/FFXV REAL EDITION/Shippuden/Royal Capital Insomnia/Village Hidden in Leaves

2011, 3.11/East Japan Earthquake I Was 20 Years Old

It Like War

More Than 10 Years Passed

How Can I Grow?

Avoid Future Potential, Individual Winner Is Destroyed

Self Call Habsburg Person Declared Me Bellow

They Will Kill Me And My Father

They Did Bad Thing My Digital/Real Friend

They Genocide/Massacre Japan People

Royal Capital Insomnia/Village Hidden in Leaves/Tokyo Is Quiet

House Light Is Little

Store Is Close

People Is Fewer
29, Nov. 2022
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/疾風伝/ダウンオブフューチャー

もしも俺に, この国の王族の血が入っていて/王位継承権保有者で, 故にすべきことがあるならば

俺は, その時を待つ

もしも俺の人生に, そんな事は起こらないとして, 穏やかに過ごせるのならば

俺は, 幸せに生きる


If I Am Royal Blood of Japan/Have Right to Throne, And I Must Do Some Thing

I Wait Time

If Such Like Thing Never Happen My Life, And I Can Live Calm

I Live Happily

31, Mar. 2021
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/疾風伝/須佐能乎/八尺瓊勾玉

愛が人々を繋ぎ, 最後に重要と成るのは圧倒的な数/人の和だ

此の愛は, 神話で初代王と神々が, 紡いで来た愛と同じ霊玉だ



Love Connect People And Numerous People/Human Being Cooperation Is Important Final

It's Love Same Phantom Love It's Love First King And God Make God Story

It's Yasakani-No-Magatama

13, Jan. 2021
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/疾風伝/須佐能乎/八咫鏡/八尺瓊勾玉

俺は, 正義を求める日本の皆/120,000,000人と共に

真日本国を, 作る

此の盾は, 神話で初代王と神々が, 太陽を模して作った盾と同じ霊鏡だ


此の愛は, 神話で初代王と神々が, 紡いで来た愛と同じ霊玉だ


GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT/FFXV REAL EDITION/Shippuden/Susano/Yata-No-Kagami/Yasakani-No-Magatama

I Gather Walk Justice Way Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People

I Make Real Japan

It's Shield Same Phantom Shield It's Shield First King And God Make Like Sun God Story

It's Yata-No-Kagami

It's Love Same Phantom Love It's Love First King And God Make God Story

It's Yasakani-No-Magatama

11, Nov. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/疾風伝/須佐能乎/酒刈太刀/十拳剣/草薙剣/八咫鏡/八尺瓊勾玉

世界各国国家元首は, 既に揃った

此れからは, 世界各国国家元首は, 手加減して呉れ無いだろう

此の剣は, 神話で初代王と神々/須佐之男命が, 大蛇丸/八岐大蛇を斬った剣と同じ霊剣だ


此の盾は, 神話で初代王と神々が, 太陽を模して作った盾と同じ霊鏡だ


此の愛は, 神話で初代王と神々が, 紡いで来た愛と同じ霊玉だ


此れからは, 違うぞ


GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT/FFXV REAL EDITION/Shippuden/Susano/Sakegari-No-Tachi/Totsuka-No-Tsurugi/Kusanagi-No-Tsurugi/Yata-No-Kagami/Yasakani-No-Magatama

All Over the World Country Top of the Top Have Already Gather

All Over the World Country Top of the Top Use Full Power From Now On

It's Blade Same Phantom Sword It's Blade First King And God/Susano-No-Mikoto Blade Down Orochimaru/Yamata-No-Orochi God Story

It's Sakegari-No-Tachi/Totsuka-No-Tsurugi/Kusanagi-No-Tsurugi

It's Shield Same Phantom Shield It's Shield First King And God Make Like Sun God Story

It's Yata-No-Kagami

It's Love Same Phantom Love It's Love First King And God Make God Story

It's Yasakani-No-Magatama

Never Same Level From Now On

I Use Real Power

28, Oct. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/疾風伝/霊太陽/天照



物理攻撃/直接攻撃以外の, 魂/霊太陽だ

歴代王そして初代王が持って居た霊太陽/天照は, 俺たちと共に或る



I Beyond My Destiny

Phantom Sun/Amaterasu Beyond Everything

Never Physical/Direct Attack Heart&Spirit/Phantom Sun

History king And First King Have Phantom Sun/Amaterasu Is With Our Side

It's Amaterasu

27, Oct. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/炎神イフリート/WW3/場外戦/イザナミ


秘密結社は, 世界の王/器を探して居た

秘密結社の最終目的は, WW3後に国際連合/世界政府に世界の王/器を置き世界を支配/所有する事だった

俺は, 秘密結社へ関わって居無い/関わら無い/関わる事は無い

そして俺は, 国際連合/世界政府の上に, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人を立たせる

秘密結社は, 倒産した

超大国/アメリカ/中国/ロシアが, お前を殺すと云うの成らば


俺/真日本国は, WW3/非参加/中立だ/復讐はし無い

立ち上がって呉れ, 超大国/アメリカ/中国/ロシア

超大国で或ろうが, 国内世論/国際世論そして日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人には勝て無い

WW3終盤/WW3終戦後に俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人/世界各国/警察/軍/インテリジェンスは, 共通目的/黒幕/秘密結社排除で, 団結/集結する可能性が或る

俺は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ公益を還元する


All CIA Japan Division/Criminal Department of Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office/Attorney General/Japan Prime Minister Change/Japan Tokyo Governor of Tokyo Metropolis Are Change/Quit/Far Away/Social Eliminate

Secret Society Search World King/Heart&Spirit

Secret Society Final Object Is Stay World King/Heart&Spirit United Nation/World Government Control/Own All Over the World After WW3

I Never Revolved/Revolve/Will Revolve Secret Society

And I Stay Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People United Nation/World Government

Secret Society Have Already End

If Super Country/USA/China/Russia Say Kill Me

And You Must Watch/See Around

I/Real Japan WW3/Never Join/Be Neutral/Never Revenge

Stand Your Ground Super Country/USA/China/Russia

Unless Super Country Never Win Domestic/International Public Voice  And Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People All Over the World Country/Police/Army/Intelligence Cooperate/Gather Same Object/Eliminate Black/Secret Society WW3 Climax/After WW3 Maybe

I Public Profit Reverse Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People
27, Oct. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/地獄番犬/ケルベロス/WW3/前哨戦/イザナミ

世界各国無数の英雄は, WW3/前哨戦で秘密結社が使った小国/イスラム国を滅ぼした

秘密結社が使った小国/イスラム国/黒幕/秘密結社は共に, 国内法/国際法そして国内世論/国際世論のテロリスト/合法的排除対象だ

世界各国/警察/軍/インテリジェンスは, 共通目的/秘密結社が使った小国/イスラム国/排除で団結/集結した

俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人/世界各国/警察/軍/インテリジェンスは, 共通目的/黒幕/秘密結社排除で, 団結/集結する事が出来る

GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT/FFXV REAL EDITION/Hell Dog/Cerberus/WW3/Before War Battle/Izanami

All Over the World Country/Numerous Hero Eliminate Secret Society Use Little Country/ISIL WW3/Before War Battle

Both Secret Society Use Little Country/ISIL And Black/Secret Society Are Domestic/International Public Voice And Domestic/International Law Terrorist/Legal Eliminate Exist

All Over the World Country/Police/Army/Intelligence Cooperate/Gather Same Object/Eliminate Secret Society Use Little Country/ISIL

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People All Over the World Country/Police/Army/Intelligence Can Cooperate/Gather Same Object/Eliminate Black/Secret Society
23, Oct. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/ロイヤル/初代王/ファイナルフェーズ/イグニス

イグニスは, 10年以上/相棒/同年代だが, クレバー/官僚的な男だ

日本国のパブリックセクター/司法/立法/行政/官僚とビジネスセクター/企業連合体は, ソビエト連邦崩壊同様, 公職追放/役職退官/組織再編と成る

非合法活動/政治犯罪/経済犯罪は赦されないが, 国家/公益の為に経済活動をする日本国のビジネスセクター/企業連合体を責められるだろうか

立ち上がって呉れ, イグニス

国内法/国際法を順守して, 日本国/真日本国のビジネスセクター/企業連合体と共に日本の皆/120,000,000人を守って呉れ

日本の皆/120,000,000人は, イグニスそして日本国/真日本国のビジネスセクター/企業連合体を, 見守ってあげて欲しい


Ignis Is More Than 10 Year/Partner/Same Age And He Is Clever/Government Official Type

Same Soviet Union End Japan Public Sector/Justice/Legal/Government/Government Official And Business Sector/Corporate Union Become Public Out/Retire/Change

I Think Never Legal Action/Politics/Economic Crime Never Permit But I Never Blame Japan Business Sector/Corporate Union For Country/Public Profit

Stand Your Ground Ignis

Protect Domestic/International Law And Protect And Protect Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People With Japan/Real Japan Business Sector/Corporate Union

I Want Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Watch/See Ignis And Japan/Real Japan Business Sector/Corporate Union

18, Oct. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/ロイヤル/初代王/真旧重力/初代モデル/規範VS初代王/イザナミ

親父はずっと皇居/城にも住まず, 質素/シンプルな暮らしをして来た

愛/称賛の代わりに憎悪/侮辱を受けながら, 親父はずっと日本国と日本の皆/120,000,000人の事を想って居た

分野は違うが, 親父も経験を持って居る

親父は30年間以上, クリエィティブ/広告宣伝業界でクールジャパン/ソフトパワー/無数の物語を作って来た

親父は, 物語を通じて俺たちへ云った

運命へ, 立ち向かえ

親父には, 今後も日本国/世界各国のクリエィティブ/広告宣伝業界と共に真日本国の公的機関/企業連合体のブランド構築へ貢献して貰いたい

何故ならば, 親父の貢献は日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人への公益還元に繋がる


皇居/城は, 日本国/真日本国の王の城では無く国際連合/世界政府の中心/象徴としよう

皇居/城が国際連合/世界政府の中心/象徴と成れば, 国際連合/世界政府の上に日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人が立つ中心/象徴と成る

此れからは, 俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ任せろ

GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT/FFXV REAL EDITION/Royal/First King/Real/Old/Gravity Battle/1st Model/Leader VS First King/Izanami

Father Never Stay Imperial Palace/Castle And Live Never Gorgeous/Simple

Father Think Japan And Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Unless He Receive Never Love/Honor But Hate/Blame

Other World But Father Have Experience Too

Father Make Cool Japan/Soft Power/Numerous Story Creative/Advertising  Business World More Than 30 Year

Father Say Us Through Story

Against Destiny

I Want Father Contribute Make Real Japan Public Sector/Corporate Union Brand Make With Japan/All Over the World Country Creative/Advertising Business World From Now On Too

Because Father Contribute Connect Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Public Profit Reverse

I Respect Not Only First King/History King And Numerous Mystic But Also All Over the World Country/Numerous Hero And Father

Imperial Palace/Castle Become Never Japan/Real Japan King Castle But United Nation/World Government Center/Symbol

If Imperial Palace/Castle Become United Nation/World Government Center/Symbol And It's Become Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Stand United Nation/World Government Center/Symbol

Trust I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People From Now On

18, Oct. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/疾風伝/別天神

日清/日露戦争/WW1そしてWW2を超え, 俺たちは, 此処迄来た

日本の皆/120,000,000人は, 此れからも, 胸を張れ


WW3/非参加/中立で日本国/真日本国を, 守れ


俺は, ベストを尽くす


We Stand Our Ground After We Beyond China/Russia War/WW1 And WW2

Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Proud Yourself Eternal

First King/History King And Numerous Mystic Left Real Illusion

Never Join/Be Neutral WW3 And Protect Japan/Real Japan

It's Koto Amatu Kami/Real Illusion

I Do My Best

30, Aug. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/疾風伝/霊剣/霊鏡/須佐能乎


ファントムソード/草薙剣/魂は総てを貫き, ファントムシールド/八咫鏡/国内世論/国際世論は総てを撥ね返す

物理攻撃/直接攻撃以外では, 無敵だ

歴代王そして初代王が持って居た霊剣/草薙剣と霊鏡/八咫鏡そして霊玉/八尺瓊勾玉は, 俺と共に或る


GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT/FFXV REAL EDITION/Shippuden/Phantom Sword/Phantom Sheild/Susano

I Beyond My Destiny

Phantom Sword/Kusanagi-No-Tsurugi/Great Heart/Spirit Blade Down Everything And Phantom Shield/Yata-No-Kagami/Domestic/International Public Voice Reflect Everything

No One Can Win Other Use Physical/Direct Attack

History king And First King Have Phantom Sword/Kusanagi-No-Tsurugi And Phantom Sheild/Yata-No-Kagami And Phantom Love/Yasakani-No-Magatama Are With My Side

It's Susano

30, Aug. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/疾風伝/暁/CPU

うちはイタチの誕生日は, 親父と義母の結婚記念日だ


詰まり公的機関/プログラムを受けて居無いが, 15年前寄り親にも敬語を使って居た

父親とは, 互いを尊重しながら距離を取って居た

6歳下の義弟とは, 喧嘩に成った事も無い

暁/秘密結社/非合法活動へ関わらず健康問題も無いが, 義弟はうちはサスケの様に想って居た

俺の使命は公益還元の為, 西洋/ハプスブルグ家VS東洋/藤原五摂家も関わら無い/中立だ

暁/秘密結社は法律/契約関係だが, 俺と暁/秘密結社へ法律/契約関係/契約書は無い



ペルシアのホルムズ海峡は, 世界各国エネルギー供給50%/日本国エネルギー供給80%だ

詰まりWW3/中立で無ければ, 世界各国/日本国は食糧/水/エネルギーが枯渇する

故に世界各国/最大多数は, 既に中立と成って居る



西洋/ヨーロッパ/アメリカ/ロシアが集結せずとも, 4大文明/中国/インド/ペルシア/アフリカと世界各国/中立と共に国際連合/世界政府を作る

日清/日露戦争/WW1そしてWW2を超え, 俺たちは, 此処迄来た

日本の皆/120,000,000人は, 此れからも, 胸を張れ


WW3/非参加/中立で日本国/真日本国を, 守れ


俺は, ベストを尽くす

俺は, 中国/ロシアへも




世界各国/中立は日本国/真日本国と共に経済成長し続けるが, 超大国であろうが正しい道を歩まず国際世論/国内世論へ敗北すれば





世界各国国家元首は, 既に揃った

此れからは, 世界各国国家元首は, 手加減して呉れ無いだろう

此の剣は, 神話で初代王と神々/須佐之男命が, 大蛇丸/八岐大蛇を斬った剣と同じ霊剣だ


此の盾は, 神話で初代王と神々が, 太陽を模して作った盾と同じ霊鏡だ


此れからは, 違うぞ


西洋/ハプスブルグ家VS東洋/藤原五摂家が, 幻術で或ろうが


詰まり秘密結社VS俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人世界の皆/7,000,000,000人は, 変わら無い

世界各国大衆/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人に, 何の罪が或るのだろうか





世界各国が, 国家を超え里は人の先に



Uchina Itachi Birthday Is My Father And In-Law-Mother Marriage Day

I'm Never Japan/Other Country Army/Police/Intelligence

And I Never Experience Public Sector/Program But I Use Respect Word Unless Parent From 15 Years Ago

I And Father Take Distant Think Each Other

I Never Battle 6 Year Young In Law Brother

I Never Relate Akatsuki/Secret Society/Never Legal Action And I Never Have Health Problem But I Think In Law Brother Like Uchiha Sasuke

I Never Relate/Be Neutral West/Habsburg Family VS East/Fuji-Wara Public 5 Because My Mission Is Public Profit Reverse

Akatsuki/Secret Society Is Legal/Contract Relate But I And Akatsuki/Secret Society Never Have Legal/Contract Relate/Contract Letter

And I Was/Am/Will Be Never Relate Akatsuki/Secret Society

It's Real Illusion

Persia Hormuz Is All Over the World Country Energy Power 50%/Japan Energy Power 80%

And If Never WW3/Be Neutral All Over the World Country/Japan Loss Food/Water/Energy

All Over the World Country/Most Many Country Have Already Be Neutral

West/Europe/USA/Russia GDP Is All Over the World GDP 40%

Big4 Human Being Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And All Over the World Country/Be Neutral And Japan/Real Japan GDP Is Have Already More Than All Over the World GDP 60%

If West/Europe/USA/Russia Never Gather And I Make UN/World Government With Big4 Human Being Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And All Over the World Country/Be Neutral

We Stand Our Ground After We Beyond China/Russia War/WW1 And WW2

Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Proud Yourself Eternal

First King/History King And Numerous Mystic Left Real Illusion

Never Join/Be Neutral WW3 And Protect Japan/Real Japan

It's Koto Amatu Kami/Real Illusion

I Do My Best

I Say China/Russia

Peace Love Japan/Real Japan

WW3 Neutral/No Participation

Economy Have Already Global/Connect

All Over the World Country/Be Neutral And Japan/Real Japan Continue Economy Grow Up But If Super Country Go Wrong Way Lose International/Domestic Public Voice

And Super Country First Move/Deflation/Economy Never Grow Up Become After Second Time/Stagflation/Connect Economy Never Grow Up

It's Loop End/Connect Economy End

You Must Walk With Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

It's Izanami

All Over the World Country Top of the Top Have Already Gather

All Over the World Country Top of the Top Use Full Power From Now On

It's Blade Same Phantom Sword It's Blade First King And God/Susano-No-Mikoto Blade Down Orochimaru/Yamata-No-Orochi God Story

It's Sakegari-No-Tachi/Totsuka-No-Tsurugi/Kusanagi-No-Tsurugi

It's Shield Same Phantom Shield It's Shield First King And God Make Like Sun God Story

It's Yata-No-Kagami

Never Same Level From Now On

I Use Real Power

If West/Habsburg Family VS East/Fuji-Wara Public 5 Is Real Illusion

And Be Neutral

Final Secret Society VS I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Never Change

I Think All Over the World Country People/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Have Never Crime

It's Mugen Tukuyomi/Real Illusion

You Must Say Never Legal Action/Never International Law/Crime

I Like Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People More Than Japan/Country

Country/Sato Is Human Being

If All Over the World Country Beyond Country Think Sato Is Human Being

And It's Make Real UN/World Government
14, Jul. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/シークレットエンディング/ダウンオブフューチャー

2,000年前, 初代王がCPUへ立ち塞がったのと同様に


歴代王/初代王同様に, ロイヤル/王子/王女/子/孫を残し, 運命を超えるシークレットエンディング/ダウンオブフューチャーが或る

2,000年前, 運命が日本国初代王/真の選ばれし者を決めた時, CPUが始まった

CPU/藤原五摂家が日本国/日本の皆/120,000,000人を支配/所有しようとするのは, 不信/恐怖/憎しみだ

成らば俺の使命は, 運命/日本国初代王/真の選ばれし者と戦い真日本国初代モデル/規範で, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ公益を還元する事だ


Same First King Against CPU 2,000 Year Ago

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Against CPU

Same History King/First King Make Royal/Prince/Princess/Child/Grandchild And Beyond Destiny Secret Ending/Dawn of Future

Destiny Japan First King/Real Chosen Decide Time CPU Have Already Start

CPU/Fuji-Wara Public 5 Never Trust/Afraid/Hate Japan/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And They Want Control/Own

And My Mission Against Destiny/Japan First King/Real Chosen Become Real Japan 1st Model/Leader And Public Profit Reverse Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People
12, Jul. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/ロイヤル/初代王/ファイナルフェーズ

初代王は2,000年前, 日本の皆/120,000,000人を信じて居た

だからこそ, 日本国/俺たちが或る

俺は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人を信じて居る

だからこそ, 世界/人類は存続する

俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人共に, 既に無力では無い

2,000年前, 初代王がCPUへ立ち塞がったのと同様に


歴代王/初代王同様に, ロイヤル/王子/王女/子/孫を残し, 20年間/運命を超えるシークレットエンディング/ダウンオブフューチャーが或る

歴代王/初代王は, 俺がやる

2,000年間神話と共に, 日本国を守って来た歴代王/初代王へ, 感謝する





悪意は, 追放/距離を遠ざける事で共に2,000年以上世界を作って来た

共に2,000年以上世界を作って来た4大文明/中国/インド/ペルシア/アフリカへ, 感謝する


First King Trust Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People 2,000 Year Ago

And Japan/We Continue

I Trust Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

And World/Human Being Continue

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Have Already Not Never Power

Same First King Against CPU 2,000 Year Ago

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Against CPU

Same History King/First King Make Royal/Prince/Princess/Child/Grandchild And Beyond 20 Year/Destiny Secret Ending/Dawn of Future

History King/First King I Do My Best

I Respect History King/First King Protect Japan 2,000 Year With God Story

Big 4 Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And Japan Make All Over the World More Than 2,000 Year

China/Buddhism Never Have Bad Thing And India/Hindu Take Distant Bad Thing And Persia/Zoroastrianism Take Distant Darkness And Japan/Shinto Take Distant Kegare Is Original Same

China/India/Persia/Africa And Japan Never Relate/Take Distant Against Darkness

Big 4 Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And Japan Never Revenge Colonialism/Too Many War/WW2 But

Never Relate/Take Distant Against Darkness And Make All Over the World More Than 2,000 Year

I Respect Big 4 Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And Japan Make All Over the World More Than 2,000 Year

10, Jul. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/ロイヤル/初代王/真旧重力/初代モデル/規範VS初代王

初代王は2,000年前, 日本国を建国した

親父は家族が或るが, 父子家庭で俺を育てた

俺は, 普通の家族すら知ら無い


親子関係は, 終わらせよう

親父はずっと皇居/城にも住まず, 質素/シンプルな暮らしをして来た

愛/称賛の代わりに憎悪/侮辱を受けながら, 親父はずっと日本国と日本の皆/120,000,000人の事を想って居た

分野は違うが, 親父も経験を持って居る

親父は30年間以上, クリエィティブ/広告宣伝業界でクールジャパン/ソフトパワー/無数の物語を作って来た

親父は, 物語を通じて俺たちへ云った

運命へ, 立ち向かえ

親父には, 今後も日本国/世界各国のクリエィティブ/広告宣伝業界と共に真日本国の公的機関/企業連合体のブランド構築へ貢献して貰いたい

何故ならば, 親父の貢献は日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人への公益還元に繋がる


皇居/城は, 日本国/真日本国の王の城では無く国際連合/世界政府の中心/象徴としよう

皇居/城が国際連合/世界政府の中心/象徴と成れば, 国際連合/世界政府の上に日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人が立つ中心/象徴と成る

此れからは, 俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ任せろ




運命へ立ち向かい世界各国へ文明を広めたメソポタミア文明同様に, 世界各国/日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へテクノロジーを広めたGAFA/Google/Apple/Facebook/Amazonへの敬意故, ポストヒューマン排斥へは関わら無い



俺は, 秘密結社が非合法/政治取得した国家資産/公益を日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ還元する



真日本国は, 第3次世界大戦/覇権戦争/宗教戦争/ラストバタリオン/総ての戦争に中立だ

俺が, 選ばれし者かは知ら無いが, 初代王は2,000年間を時空超越した/真の選ばれし者だ

選ばれし国/超大国の前では, 他の国/超大国以外は無価値だろうか

選ばれし神/6大宗教の前では, 他の神/他の6大宗教は無価値だろうか

初代王/真の選ばれし者の前では, 俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人は無価値だろうか

俺は, 真日本国/初代モデル/規範だ

俺は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人と共に, 未来を作る

日本国同様, 真日本国が神話を必要とする成らば

真日本国の神話は, 初代モデル/規範が日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ公益を還元する神話と成れば

国民主権/国家資産/通貨発行権は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ或る

俺たち/人類は, 存続する

GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT/FFXV REAL EDITION/Royal/First King/Real/Old/Gravity Battle/1st Model/Leader VS First King

First King Make Japan 2,000 Year Ago

Father Have Other Family But He Grew Up Me Father Family

I Never Know Unless Normal Family

Secret Society Father Say War Win/War Lose And Family Relation End

I Recognize Family Relation End

Father Never Stay Imperial Palace/Castle And Live Never Gorgeous/Simple

Father Think Japan And Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Unless He Receive Never Love/Honor But Hate/Blame

Other World But Father Have Experience Too

Father Make Cool Japan/Soft Power/Numerous Story Creative/Advertising  Business World More Than 30 Year

Father Say Us Through Story

Against Destiny

I Want Father Contribute Make Real Japan Public Sector/Corporate Union Brand Make With Japan/All Over the World Country Creative/Advertising Business World From Now On Too

Because Father Contribute Connect Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Public Profit Reverse

I Respect Not Only First King/History King And Numerous Mystic But Also All Over the World Country/Numerous Hero And Father

Imperial Palace/Castle Become Never Japan/Real Japan King Castle But United Nation/World Government Center/Symbol

If Imperial Palace/Castle Become United Nation/World Government Center/Symbol And It's Become Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Stand United Nation/World Government Center/Symbol

Trust I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People From Now On

I Never Use West/Habsburg Family/East/Fuji-Wara Public 5/Grand Mother And Father Power

I Take Distant Father

Everything For This Time

I Respect GAFA/Google/Apple/Facebook/Amazon Give Technology All Over the World Country/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Same Mesopotamia Civilization Give Civilization All Over the World Against Destiny And I Never Relate Against Post Human Being Battle

Human Being/All Life/Post Human Being Is Equal

If We Protect Common Rule/Regal And We Are Continue

I Public Profit Reverse Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Secret Society Never Legal/Politics Get Country Capital

Never War And Human Being Continue Problem

And I/Real Japan Never War War Win/War Lose Country

Real Japan Be Neutral WW3/Power War/Religious War/Last Battalion/All War

I Never Know Chosen But First King Beyond Time/Space 2,000 Year/Real Chosen

I Never Think In Front of Chosen Country/Super Country Other Country/Other Super Country Never Worth

I Never Think In Front of Chosen God/Big 6 God Other God/Other Big 6 God Never Worth

I Never Think In Front of First King/Real Chosen I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Never Worth

I'm Real Japan/1st Model/Leader

I Make Great Future With Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

If Real Japan Need God Story Same Japan

Real Japan God Story Become 1st Model/Leader Public Profit Reverse Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

And Country Main Right/Country Capital/Currency Right Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Side

We/Human Being Continue
21, Jun. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/ロイヤル/初代王


ソビエト連邦崩壊同様, 公職追放/役職退官/組織再編と成る







俺は, 表舞台に立つ



俺は, パブリックチャンネル/NHKで自らプレゼンテーションして日本の皆/120,000,000人へ国民主権を委ねる





真日本国は, 国際連合/アジェンダ2030/10年間/世界政府を目指す

此れで, 2030年/10年後/真日本国/国際連合をハイブリッドする成らば


初代王は2,000年前, 日本国を建国した

親父は家族が或るが, 父子家庭で俺を育てた

俺は, 普通の家族すら知ら無い


親子関係は, 終わらせよう

親父はずっと皇居/城にも住まず, 質素/シンプルな暮らしをして来た

愛/称賛の代わりに憎悪/侮辱を受けながら, 親父はずっと日本国と日本の皆/120,000,000人の事を想って居た


皇居/城は, 日本国/真日本国の王の城では無く国際連合/世界政府の中心/象徴としよう

皇居/城が国際連合/世界政府の中心/象徴と成れば, 国際連合/世界政府の上に日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人が立つ中心/象徴と成る

此れからは, 俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ任せろ




運命へ立ち向かい世界各国へ文明を広めたメソポタミア文明同様に, 世界各国/日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へテクノロジーを広めたGAFA/Google/Apple/Facebook/Amazonへの敬意故, ポストヒューマン排斥へは関わら無い



俺は, 秘密結社が非合法/政治取得した国家資産/公益を日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ還元する



真日本国は, 第3次世界大戦/覇権戦争/宗教戦争/ラストバタリオン/総ての戦争に中立だ

俺が, 選ばれし者かは知ら無いが, 初代王は2,000年間を時空超越した/真の選ばれし者だ

選ばれし国/超大国の前では, 他の国/超大国以外は無価値だろうか

選ばれし神/6大宗教の前では, 他の神/他の6大宗教は無価値だろうか

初代王/真の選ばれし者の前では, 俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人は無価値だろうか

俺は, 真日本国/初代モデル/規範だ

俺は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人と共に, 未来を作る

日本国同様, 真日本国が神話を必要とする成らば

真日本国の神話は, 初代モデル/規範が日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ公益を還元する神話と成れば

国民主権/国家資産/通貨発行権は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ或る

俺たち/人類は, 存続する

初代王は2,000年前, 日本の皆/120,000,000人を信じて居た

だからこそ, 日本国/俺たちが或る

俺は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人を信じて居る

だからこそ, 世界/人類は存続する

俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人共に, 既に無力では無い

2,000年前, 初代王が秘密結社へ立ち塞がったのと同様に


歴代王/初代王同様に, ロイヤル/王子/王女/子/孫を残し, 運命を超えるシークレットエンディング/ダウンオブフューチャーが或る




悪意は, 追放/距離を遠ざける事で共に2,000年以上世界を作って来た

共に2,000年以上世界を作って来た4大文明/中国/インド/ペルシア/アフリカへ, 感謝する

イグニスは, 10年以上/相棒/同年代だが, クレバー/官僚的な男だ

日本国のパブリックセクター/司法/立法/行政/官僚とビジネスセクター/企業連合体は, ソビエト連邦崩壊同様, 公職追放/役職退官/組織再編と成る

非合法活動/政治犯罪/経済犯罪は赦されないが, 国家/公益の為に経済活動をする日本国のビジネスセクター/企業連合体を責められるだろうか

立ち上がって呉れ, イグニス

国内法/国際法を順守して, 日本国/真日本国のビジネスセクター/企業連合体と共に日本の皆/120,000,000人を守って呉れ

日本の皆/120,000,000人は, イグニスそして日本国/真日本国のビジネスセクター/企業連合体を, 見守ってあげて欲しい

2,000年前, 運命が日本国初代王/真の選ばれし者を決めた時, 秘密結社が始まった

CPU/藤原五摂家が日本国/日本の皆/120,000,000人を支配/所有しようとするのは, 不信/恐怖/憎しみだ

成らば俺の使命は, 運命/日本国初代王/真の選ばれし者と戦い真日本国初代モデル/規範で, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人へ公益を還元する事だ

歴代王/初代王は, 俺がやる


I Want Make Real Japan Gather Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Seamless/Great Speed

Same Soviet Union End Public Out/Retire/Change

Such Like Little Beetle I Never Have Final Judgement Right

And I Trust God/Legal/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

I Trust Pardon Domestic/International Public Voice After They Country Capital/Public Profit Reverse

Japan Public Secter Must Japan/End Seamless/Great Speed

If All Over the World Country Leader Have Already Recognize Real Japan And 1st Model/Leader

All Over the World Country Leader Decide Either End With Secret Society/Fuji-Wara Public 5 or Public Profit Reverse Politics Get/Country Capital Domestic/International Exploitation/Economic Grow Up With Real Japan/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Maybe

I Stand Our Ground

Real Japan Become Like Swiss Confederation/Model/Leader/Direct Democrasy Regulation/Permanent Neutral/Federal Constitution/Federal Cabinet/Federal Minister/Federal President/Federal Congress/State Legislature/Indirect Democracy Regulation But

Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Have Decide Right Model/Leader/Direct Democrasy VS Federal Congress/Indirect Democracy/50%/50% Include/Country Regulation Seamless Phase/Country Transfer Timing

I Presentation Public Channel/NHK And Trust Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Main Right

If 50 Week And All Weekend Reporting/Presentation/Discussion/Digital Referendum/Direct Democrasy Become

Real Japan Can Become 50 Week/50 Times Speed/World No.1 Speed Politics

If 50 Week/50 Times Speed/World No.1 Speed Politics And Real Japan Can Become No.1 Speed Economic Grow Up

Make World Government 500 Year/I/Real Japan Can Make 50 Week/50 Times Speed/10 Year/World No.1 Speed

Real Japan Walk United Nation/Agenda 2030/10 Year

And If Make Hybrid Real Japan/United Nation/2030/10 Year Great Future

The World First/Human Being First Real Japan/Country And International Secter/Hybrid Government/World Government Complete

First King Make Japan 2,000 Year Ago

Father Have Other Family But He Grew Up Me Father Family

I Never Know Unless Normal Family

Secret Society Father Say War Win/War Lose And Family Relation End

I Recognize Family Relation End

Father Never Stay Imperial Palace/Castle And Live Never Gorgeous/Simple

Father Think Japan And Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Unless He Receive Never Love/Honor But Hate/Blame

I Respect Not Only First King/History King And Numerous Mystic But Also All Over the World Country/Numerous Hero And Father

Imperial Palace/Castle Become Never Japan/Real Japan King Castle But United Nation/World Government Center/Symbol

If Imperial Palace/Castle Become United Nation/World Government Center/Symbol And It's Become Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Stand United Nation/World Government Center/Symbol

Trust I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People From Now On

I Never Use West/Habsburg Family/East/Fuji-Wara Public 5/Grand Mother And Father Power

But If Father Want Witness Protection/Plea Bargain Regulation And Japan/Real Japan Must Protect Legal Judgement/Legal Country

I Take Distant Father

Everything For This Time

I Respect GAFA/Google/Apple/Facebook/Amazon Give Technology All Over the World Country/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Same Mesopotamia Civilization Give Civilization All Over the World Against Destiny And I Never Relate Against Post Human Being Battle

Human Being/All Life/Post Human Being Is Equal

If We Protect Common Rule/Regal And We Are Continue

I Public Profit Reverse Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Secret Society Never Legal/Politics Get Country Capital

Never War And Human Being Continue Problem

And I/Real Japan Never War War Win/War Lose Country

Real Japan Be Neutral WW3/Power War/Religious War/Last Battalion/All War

I Never Know Chosen But First King Beyond Time/Space 2,000 Year/Real Chosen

I Never Think In Front of Chosen Country/Super Country Other Country/Other Super Country Never Worth

I Never Think In Front of Chosen God/Big 6 God Other God/Other Big 6 God Never Worth

I Never Think In Front of First King/Real Chosen I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Never Worth

I'm Real Japan/1st Model/Leader

I Make Great Future With Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

If Real Japan Need God Story Same Japan

Real Japan God Story Become 1st Model/Leader Public Profit Reverse Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

And Country Main Right/Country Capital/Currency Right Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Side

We/Human Being Continue

First King Trust Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People 2,000 Year Ago

And Japan/We Continue

I Trust Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

And World/Human Being Continue

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Have Already Not Never Power

Same First King Against Secret Society 2,000 Year Ago

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Against Secret Society

Same History King/First King Make Royal/Prince/Princess/Child/Grandchild And Beyond Destiny Secret Ending/Dawn of Future

Big 4 Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And Japan Make All Over the World More Than 2,000 Year

China/Buddhism Never Have Bad Thing And India/Hindu Take Distant Bad Thing And Persia/Zoroastrianism Take Distant Darkness And Japan/Shinto Take Distant Kegare Is Original Same

China/India/Persia/Africa And Japan Never Relate/Take Distant Against Darkness

Big 4 Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And Japan Never Revenge Colonialism/Too Many War/WW2 But

Never Relate/Take Distant Against Darkness And Make All Over the World More Than 2,000 Year

I Respect Big 4 Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And Japan Make All Over the World More Than 2,000 Year

Ignis Is More Than 10 Year/Partner/Same Age And He Is Clever/Government Official Type

Same Soviet Union End Japan Public Sector/Justice/Legal/Government/Government Official And Business Sector/Corporate Union Become Public Out/Retire/Change

I Think Never Legal Action/Politics/Economic Crime Never Permit But I Never Blame Japan Business Sector/Corporate Union For Country/Public Profit

Stand Your Ground Ignis

Protect Domestic/International Law And Protect And Protect Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People With Japan/Real Japan Business Sector/Corporate Union

I Want Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Watch/See Ignis And Japan/Real Japan Business Sector/Corporate Union

Destiny Japan First King/Real Chosen Decide Time Secret Society Have Already Start

Secret Society/Fuji-Wara Public 5 Never Trust/Afraid/Hate Japan/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And They Want Control/Own

And My Mission Against Destiny/Japan First King/Real Chosen Become Real Japan 1st Model/Leader And Public Profit Reverse Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

History King/First King I Do My Best
15, Jun. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/炎神イフリート

北朝鮮は, ICBM/SLBMを使う可能性が或る

中国は, 尖閣諸島/沖縄を軍事侵攻する可能性が或る

ロシアは, 北方領土を軍事制圧する可能性が或る




日本国/真日本国が中立/王道で或る成らば, 唯一の開戦理由/国際連合/敵国条項は適用出来無い




俺は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人と共に平和/中立を歩み続ける

真日本国が中立/王道で或る成らば, WW3後秩序/国際連合/常任理事国と成る可能性が或る

俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人共に, 既に無力では無い


North Korea use ICBM/SLBM maybe

China military invade Senkaku Islands/Okinawa maybe

Russia military suppression Northern Territories maybe

It's time to keep peace/be neutral with everyone Japan/120,000,000 people all future

War start need war reason/great reason

Because USA Iraq war/insisted holding weapon of mass destruction

If Japan/Real Japan is neutral/king way, the only great reason for the outbreak of war/United Nations/Enemy clause is not applicable

War end is after war governance/win war

Never war reason/great reason war make criticized by domestic/international public voice/blame

Therefore Russia/Crimea annexation and China/Hong Kong annexation became blame domestic/international public voice even superpowers

I will walk peace/be neutral with everyone Japan/120,000,000 people

If Real Japan Be Neutral/King Way And Become WW3 After/United Nations/Permanent Maybe

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Are Have Already Not Never Power
12, Jun. 2020
グローバルアナウンスメント/FFXV リアルエディション/地獄番犬/ケルベロス



国民主権同様/最初から, 国家資産/公益は俺たちの物だ

俺は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人と世界の皆/7,000,000,000人と共に失われた公益を取り戻し



Gather Domestic/International Public Voice/UN/200 Country/International Court of Justice/ICJ/International Criminal Police Organisation/ICPO

Secret Society Never Legal/Politics Get Country Capital/Public Profit Reverse Great

Main Right Same/Country Capital/Public Profit Our Side First of All

I Gather Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People And Get Back Have Already Lost Public Profit

And Public Profit Reverse Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People
15, Mar. 2020

XVが俺の物語に成り, 正式ナンバリングと成った

デジタルに現実を足し, 20歳と成った2011年/リアルエディションが始まった


此れで, 日本国/真日本国が, 世界初/人類初と成る

真日本国は国際連合同様, 総会/安全保障理事会/経済社会理事会/司法裁判所/事務局/部門で調整/国家問題解決する

総会は, 補助機関/軍縮委員会/人権理事会






安全保障理事会は, 補助機関/テロ対策委員会/刑事裁判所残余メカニズム/軍事参謀委員会/平和維持活動政治ミッション/制裁委員会/常設委員会及びアドホック組織で構成する

経済社会理事会は, 機能委員会/犯罪防止刑事司法委員会/麻薬委員会/人口開発委員会/開発のための科学技術委員会/社会開発委員会/統計委員会/女性の地位委員会/森林フォーラム





司法裁判所は, 最高裁判所/下級裁判所で構成する

事務局は, 各部局及び各事務所/DCO/開発調整室/DESA/経済社会局/DGACM/総会会議管理局/DGC/グローバルコミュニケーション局/DMSPC/管理戦略政策コンプライアンス局/DOS/オペレーション支援局/DPO/平和活動局/DPPA/政治平和構築局/DSS/安全保安局/OCHA/人道問題調整事務所/OCT/テロ対策室/ODA/軍縮部/OHCHR/人権高等弁務官事務所/OIOS/内部監査室/OLA/法務局/DRR/防災機関で構成する

部門は, 世界各国/海外事務所で構成する





ファントムソード/草薙剣/魂は総てを貫き, ファントムシールド/八咫鏡/国内世論/国際世論は総てを撥ね返す

物理攻撃/直接攻撃以外では, 無敵だ

歴代王そして初代王が持って居た霊剣/草薙剣と霊鏡/八咫鏡そして霊玉/八尺瓊勾玉は, 俺と共に或る




物理攻撃/直接攻撃以外の, 魂/霊太陽だ

歴代王そして初代王が持って居た霊太陽/天照は, 俺たちと共に或る



XV Became My Story Official Number

2011, 20 Years Old Edition Real to  Digital Real Edition Started

The World First/Human Being First Digital And Real/Hybrid Fantasy/REAL FINAL FANTASY

Finally Japan/Real Japan Is the World First/Human Being First

Real Japan Same United Nation General Assembly/Security Council/Economic And Social Council/Court of Justice/Secretariat/Department Adjust/Country Problem Resolve

General Assembly Is Subsidiary Organs/Disarmament Commission/Human Rights Council/Law Commission/JIU/Joint Inspection Unit/Main Committees/Standing Committees And Ad Hoc Secter

Funds And Programmes/DP/Development Programme/CDF/Capital Development Fund/VP/Volunteers Programme/EP/Environment Programme/FPA/Population Fund/HABITAT/Human Settlements Programme/CEF/Children’s Fund/FP/Food Programme

Research And Training/IDIR/Institute for Disarmament Research/ITAR/Institute for Training And Research/SSC/System Staff College

Other Entities/TC/Trade Centre/CTAD/Conference on
Trade And Development/HCR/Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees/OPS/Office for Project Services/Women/Entity for Gender Equality And the Empowerment of Women

Related Organizations/CTBTO PrepCom/Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization/AEA/Atomic Energy Agency/CC/Criminal Court
/OM/Organization for Migration/SA/Seabed Authority/LOS/Tribunal for the Law of the Sea/OPCW/Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons/TO/Trade Organization

Peacebuilding Commission/HLPF/High level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Security Council Is Subsidiary Organs/Counter Terrorism Committee/Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals/Military Staff Committee/Peacekeeping operations And political missions/Sanctions Committees/Standing Committees And Ad Hoc Secter

Economic And Social Council/Functional Commissions/Crime Prevention And Criminal Justice
/Narcotic Drugs/Population And Development/Science And Technology for Development/Social Development
/Statistics/Status of Women/Forum on Forests

Regional Commissions/ECA/Economic Commission for Africa/ECE/Economic Commission for Europe/ECLAC/Economic Commission for Latin America And the Caribbean/ESCAP/Economic And Social Commission
for Asia And the Pacific/ESCWA/Economic And Social Commission for Western Asia

Other Secter/Committee for Development Policy/Committee of Experts on Public
Administration/Committee on Non Governmental Organizations/Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues/GEGN/Group of Experts on
Geographical Names/GGIM/Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management

Research And Training/ICRI/Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute/RISD/Research Institute for Social Development

Specialized Agencies/FAO/Food And Agriculture Organization/CAO/Civil Aviation Organization/FAD/Fund for Agricultural Development/LO/Labour Organization/MF/Monetary Fund/MO/Maritime Organization/TU/Telecommunication Union/ESCO/Educational Scientific And Cultural
Organization/IDO/Industrial Development Organization/TO/Tourism Organization/PU/Postal Union/HO/Health Organization/IPO/Intellectual Property Organization/MO/Meteorological Organization/Bank Group/BRD/Bank for Reconstruction And Development/DA/Development Associatio/FC/Finance Corporation

Court of Justice Is Supreme Court/Lower Court

Secretariat Is Departments And Offices/DCO/Development Coordination Office/DESA/Department of Economic And Social Affairs/DGACM/Department for General Assembly And Conference Management/DGC/Department of Global Communications/DMSPC/Department of Management Strategy Policy And Compliance/DOS/Department of Operational Support
DPO/Department of Peace Operations
DPPA Department of Political And Peacebuilding Affairs/DSS/Department of Safety And Security/OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/OCT/Office of Counter Terrorism/ODA/Office for Disarmament Affairs/OHCHR Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights/OIOS/Office of Internal Oversight Services
/OLA/Office of Legal Affairs/DRR/Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

Department Is All Over the World Country/Other Country Office

United Nation Have 17 Sustainable Object/2030 Agenda

If Real Japan/United Nation Have Same  Country Strategy/United Nation Object

Real Japan Become United Nation Model/Leader Maybe
I Beyond My Destiny

Phantom Sword/Kusanagi-No-Tsurugi/Great Heart/Spirit Blade Down Everything And Phantom Shield/Yata-No-Kagami/Domestic/International Public Voice Reflect Everything

No One Can Win Other Use Physical/Direct Attack

History king And First King Have Phantom Sword/Kusanagi-No-Tsurugi And Phantom Sheild/Yata-No-Kagami And Phantom Love/Yasakani-No-Magatama Are With My Side

It's Susano

I Beyond My Destiny

Phantom Sun/Amaterasu Beyond Everything

Never Physical/Direct Attack Heart&Spirit/Phantom Sun

History king And First King Have Phantom Sun/Amaterasu Is With Our Side

It's Amaterasu

26, Nov. 2019

CPUは, 周りが見えて居無い


此の国だけで, 120,000,000人居る

世界は, 7,000,000,000人居る

最後は, 圧倒的な数で押し潰してやる

俺たちに, 人類の知恵と英知の結晶, そして神が或る

手にして居るのは, 人類が作り上げて来たテクノロジーだ

此れが, 人類だ


俺たち1人1人は, 弱くて無力だ

だがな, 俺たちは無力では無い

西洋王族頂点は, ハプスブルグ家だ

東洋王族頂点は, 藤原五摂家だ


世界最高権力も, 国内世論/国際世論に勝て無い

彼等は, 政治的に敗北して居る


部長/ロスチャイルドや, 課長/ロックフェラーも, 自動的に政治的に敗北して居る

秘密結社は, 既に倒産して居る

民主主義国家の主権は, 日本の皆/世界の皆だ

民主主義国家の公的機関/政治家/官僚/公務員は, 120,000,000人/7,000,000,000人に付いた方が良い


それ以下は, 圧倒的な数に勝て無い

総ての公的機関は, 史上最強の信用だ

東洋/西洋公的機関は, 俺と共に表舞台に立ち続けるべきだ

共に未来を作る/国家の和は, 支配/征服する寄りも真日本国に相応しい

国際連合/国連憲章は, 日本国/真日本国への敵国条項/戦争参加で国連軍/200カ国で迎撃が残って居る

俺が中立で無ければ, 日本国/真日本国は国連軍/200カ国に迎撃されて居た

国連軍/200カ国と戦う寄り, アメリカ/中国/ロシア/インドへ中立を保つのが


俺は, 中立で存在し続けるが

日本国/真日本国の軍隊/警察/インテリジェンスは, 公益/皆の利益の為に存在し続ける

日本国/真日本国の軍隊/自衛隊に日本の皆/120,000,000人が望む平和へ反し, WW3へ参戦したい奴が居る成らば


国連軍/200カ国と, 戦えば良い

俺は, 妹を守り真日本国を作る

俺は, 真日本国のモデル/規範だ/中立で存在し続ける

俺は此の様に/王道で, 中立/公益を皆に20年間で還元する

ロイヤルは, 史上最高のブランドだ

ブランドが崩壊したロイヤルは, 存続出来無い

唯一, 中立の俺ならば

真日本国を, 作れる

初代王は, 連携攻撃/日本の皆/120,000,000人と共に


King/7,000,000,000 People/Real Gravity

CPU Could/Can/Will Be Not Able to watch around world

Look around yourself

There are 120,000,000 people Japan

There are 7,000,000,000 people world

At the end, I will eliminate CPU with too many too strong people

We have human being crystal of light, wisdom, and God

What we have hand is technology made from human being

It's human being

Everyone Japan/Everyone World

Each of us Was/Is/Will Be weak and powerless

But We Were/Are/Will Be Not powerless

Top Of the Top West Royal Is Habsburg

Top Of the Top East Royal Is Fuji-Wara Public 5

World War 3 Come, But

Top Of the Top Power Can't Win Domestic/International Public Voice

They Lose Politics

If West&East Board Of Director/Habsbrug/Fuji-Wara Public 5 Lose Politics

Assistant Director/Rothschild, Manager/Rockefeller Auto Lose Politics

Secret Society Have Already Over

Main right of a democratic country is everyone Japan/everyone world

public institutions/politicians/bureaucrats/public servants in democracies country must be 120,000,000 people/7,000,000,000 people side

If West&East Board Of Director far away

Below that can not beat the overwhelming number people

All Public Sector Are Most Strong Trust

East/West Public Sector Must Be Sustainable Our Ground Gather Us

Make Great Future Gather Us/Country Cooperation Was/Is/Will Be Real Japan Way More Than Control/Empire

United Nation/UN Charter Have Sustainable UN Enemy Clause Japan/Real Japan/Join War And Attack From UN Army/200 Countries

If I Was/Am/Will Be Not Neutral And Japan/Real Japan/Join War And Attack From UN Army/200 Countries

Battle Against UN Army/200 Countries Isn't Real But Be Neutral USA/China/Russia/India Was/Is/Will Be

Real Edition/Real Eternal

I Was/Am/Will Be Neutral But

Japan/Real Japan Military/Police/Intelligence Stand Ground For Public Profit/Everyone Profit

If Japan/Real Japan Some Guy Army/JSDF Want Join WW3  Against Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Pray Peace

Join WW3/But Never Badge/Kite

Battle Against UN Army/200 Countries

I Protect Sister And Make Real Japan

I Was/Am/Will Be Model/Leader Real Japan/Be Neutral

I Walk Such Like a Way/King Way And Be Neutral/Public Profit Reverse Everyone 20 Years

Royal is the best brand ever

Royals whose brands have collapsed cannot eternal

The one&only neutral me

Create Real Japan

I Against First King Endless Attack/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Gather

And I Against First King/Heart/Spirit/Phantom Sword
8, Jul. 2019

英霊と歴代王の王たち, 見て居てくれ


小国は常に, 超大国に使われる

小国/超大国は, 女しか殺せないのか?



イスラム国が失敗して, どうなった?

北朝鮮を使って, 同じことをするな

ペルシアのホルムズ海峡は, 世界各国エネルギー供給50%/日本国エネルギー供給80%だ

詰まりWW3/中立で無ければ, 世界各国/日本国は食糧/水/エネルギーが枯渇する

故に世界各国/最大多数は, 既に中立と成って居る



西洋/ヨーロッパ/アメリカ/ロシアが集結せずとも, 4大文明/中国/インド/ペルシア/アフリカと世界各国/中立と共に国際連合/世界政府を作る

イグニスは, 10年以上/相棒/同年代だが, クレバー/官僚的な男だ

日本国のパブリックセクター/司法/立法/行政/官僚とビジネスセクター/企業連合体は, ソビエト連邦崩壊同様, 公職追放/役職退官/組織再編と成る

非合法活動/政治犯罪/経済犯罪は赦されないが, 国家/公益の為に経済活動をする日本国のビジネスセクター/企業連合体を責められるだろうか

立ち上がって呉れ, イグニス

国内法/国際法を順守して, 日本国/真日本国のビジネスセクター/企業連合体と共に日本の皆/120,000,000人を守って呉れ

日本の皆/120,000,000人は, イグニスそして日本国/真日本国のビジネスセクター/企業連合体を, 見守ってあげて欲しい

世界各国国家元首は, 既に揃った

此れからは, 世界各国国家元首は, 手加減して呉れ無いだろう

此の剣は, 神話で初代王と神々/須佐之男命が, 大蛇丸/八岐大蛇を斬った剣と同じ霊剣だ


此の盾は, 神話で初代王と神々が, 太陽を模して作った盾と同じ霊鏡だ


此の愛は, 神話で初代王と神々が, 紡いで来た愛と同じ霊玉だ


此れからは, 違うぞ


西洋/ハプスブルグ家VS東洋/藤原五摂家が, 幻術で或ろうが


詰まり秘密結社VS俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人は, 変わら無い

世界各国大衆/日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人に, 何の罪が或るのだろうか





世界各国が, 国家を超え里は人の先に



Mystic And Kings, Watch&See Me

Believe Me

Small country are always used for superpower
Other words, there is superpower behind small country

Can small country/superpower only kill women?

The brand of superpower

It will collapse

What happened Islamic state?

Do not same thing using North Korea

Persia Hormuz Is All Over the World Country Energy Power 50%/Japan Energy Power 80%

And If Never WW3/Be Neutral All Over the World Country/Japan Loss Food/Water/Energy

All Over the World Country/Most Many Country Have Already Be Neutral

West/Europe/USA/Russia GDP Is All Over the World GDP 40%

Big4 Human Being Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And All Over the World Country/Be Neutral And Japan/Real Japan GDP Is Have Already More Than All Over the World GDP 60%

If West/Europe/USA/Russia Never Gather And I Make UN/World Government With Big4 Human Being Civilization/China/India/Persia/Africa And All Over the World Country/Be Neutral

Ignis Is More Than 10 Year/Partner/Same Age And He Is Clever/Government Official Type

Same Soviet Union End Japan Public Sector/Justice/Legal/Government/Government Official And Business Sector/Corporate Union Become Public Out/Retire/Change

I Think Never Legal Action/Politics/Economic Crime Never Permit But I Never Blame Japan Business Sector/Corporate Union For Country/Public Profit

Stand Your Ground Ignis

Protect Domestic/International Law And Protect And Protect Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People With Japan/Real Japan Business Sector/Corporate Union

I Want Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Watch/See Ignis And Japan/Real Japan Business Sector/Corporate Union

All Over the World Country Top of the Top Have Already Gather

All Over the World Country Top of the Top Use Full Power From Now On

It's Blade Same Phantom Sword It's Blade First King And God/Susano-No-Mikoto Blade Down Orochimaru/Yamata-No-Orochi God Story

It's Sakegari-No-Tachi/Totsuka-No-Tsurugi/Kusanagi-No-Tsurugi

It's Shield Same Phantom Shield It's Shield First King And God Make Like Sun God Story

It's Yata-No-Kagami

It's Love Same Phantom Love It's Love First King And God Make God Story

It's Yasakani-No-Magatama

Never Same Level From Now On

I Use Real Power

If West/Habsburg Family VS East/Fuji-Wara Public 5 Is Real Illusion

And Be Neutral

Final Secret Society VS I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Never Change

I Think All Over the World Country People/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People Have Never Crime

It's Mugen Tukuyomi/Real Illusion

You Must Say Never Legal Action/Never International Law/Crime

I Like Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People More Than Japan/Country

Country/Sato Is Human Being

If All Over the World Country Beyond Country Think Sato Is Human Being

And It's Make Real UN/World Government

31, May. 2019


詰まり公的機関/プログラムを受けて居無いが, 15年前寄り親にも敬語を使って居た

父親とは, 互いを尊重しながら距離を取って居た

6歳下の義弟とは, 喧嘩に成った事も無い

暁/秘密結社/非合法活動へ関わらず健康問題も無いが, 義弟はうちはサスケの様に想って居た

俺の使命は公益還元の為, 西洋/ハプスブルグ家VS東洋/藤原五摂家も関わら無い/中立だ

暁/秘密結社は法律/契約関係だが, 俺と暁/秘密結社へ法律/契約関係/契約書は無い



Black CPU/Time/Space Clock Over/Make Great Future

I'm Never Japan/Other Country Army/Police/Intelligence

And I Never Experience Public Sector/Program But I Use Respect Word Unless Parent From 15 Years Ago

I And Father Take Distant Think Each Other

I Never Battle 6 Year Young In Law Brother

I Never Relate Akatsuki/Secret Society/Never Legal Action And I Never Have Health Problem But I Think In Law Brother Like Uchiha Sasuke

I Never Relate/Be Neutral West/Habsburg Family VS East/Fuji-Wara Public 5 Because My Mission Is Public Profit Reverse

Akatsuki/Secret Society Is Legal/Contract Relate But I And Akatsuki/Secret Society Never Have Legal/Contract Relate/Contract Letter

And I Was/Am/Will Be Never Relate Akatsuki/Secret Society

It's Real Illusion
29, May. 2019

イラク戦争で, イラクは米国の支援で反米をしていた

彼らは, 最後まで米国を信じていた

しかし, 米国は, 特殊部隊を投入し, イラク戦争を始めた

朝鮮と中国/日本の支配層は, 東洋の王族/貴族だ

彼らは, 米国を信じていた

米国/欧州/ロシア/インドの支配層は, 西洋の王族/貴族だ

米国/中国/ロシア/インド, 全ての超大国と, 政治で, 関わってはならない

超大国の覇権争いと, 終わりなき東西の王族の争いから

日本の皆を, 守るために

俺は, 中立を選んだ

6大宗教/キリスト教/ユダヤ教/イスラム教/ヒンドゥー教/仏教/神道, 全ての宗教戦争と, 政治で, 関わってはならない

6大宗教の覇権争いと, 終わりなき世界の宗教戦争から

日本の皆を, 守るために

俺は, 無宗教/中立を選んだ

イラク戦争時, 中東では狙撃が横行した

世界有数の監視カメラ大国/日本国では, 複数回の狙撃で証拠を残さ無い事は, 不可能だ





モデル/規範が権力を持てば, 次の藤原五摂家/日本国を支配/所有する者が出て来る

モデル/規範は, 3権分立保持/司法/立法/行政権を有さ無いのが王道だ

俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人に, 最初から/国民主権が或る

真実は, 歴代王の剣に力を与える

俺は, 米国に



北朝鮮は, ICBM/SLBMを使う可能性が或る

中国は, 尖閣諸島/沖縄を軍事侵攻する可能性が或る

ロシアは, 北方領土を軍事制圧する可能性が或る




日本国/真日本国が中立/王道で或る成らば, 唯一の開戦理由/国際連合/敵国条項は適用出来無い




俺は, 日本の皆/120,000,000人と共に平和/中立を歩み続ける

日清/日露戦争/WW1そしてWW2を超え, 俺たちは, 此処迄来た


皆, 此れからも, 胸を張れ


WW3/非参加/中立で日本国/真日本国を, 守れ


俺は, ベストを尽くす

俺は, 中国/ロシアへも




世界各国/中立は日本国/真日本国と共に経済成長し続けるが, 超大国であろうが正しい道を歩まず国際世論/国内世論へ敗北すれば





USA support Iraq anti USA

They believed USA until end

However, USA started war using special forces

Korea and China/Japan dominant layer are Oriental Royal/Noble

They believed USA too

USA/Europe/Russia/India dominant layer are Western Royal/Noble

Japan should not relation USA/China/Russia/India, all super country

To protect everyone Japan

from super country battle and endless East/West Royal battle

I Choose Be Neutral

Big 6 religion/Christianity/Judaism/Islam/Hinduism/Buddhism/Shinto, all religious wars and politics, must not revolve

From the big 6 religion hegemony and the endless world religious war

To protect everyone in Japan

I chose not specify/be neutral

Sniper rampant in Middle East during Iraq war

In the world's leading surveillance camera power/Japan, it is impossible to leave no evidence with multiple shots

Sniper to civilians/non-combatants

Violation of international law/war crime

Fuji-Wara Public 5 has ruled Japan/1,300 years by sending a wife to successive kings

Do not control/own Japan

If Model/Leader Have Power And Next Fuji-Wara Public 5/Control/Own Japan Start

Model/Leader Make 3 Power Different/Never Have Judiciary/Legislation/Government Right Is King Way

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Have Country Main Right/First of All

Real Thing Give Power History King Sword


Peace Love Japan/Real Japan

WW3 Neutral/No Participation

North Korea use ICBM/SLBM maybe

China military invade Senkaku Islands/Okinawa maybe

Russia military suppression Northern Territories maybe

It's time to keep peace/be neutral with everyone Japan/120,000,000 people all future

War start need war reason/great reason

Because USA Iraq war/insisted holding weapon of mass destruction

If Japan/Real Japan is neutral/king way, the only great reason for the outbreak of war/United Nations/Enemy clause is not applicable

War end is after war governance/win war

Never war reason/great reason war make criticized by domestic/international public voice/blame

Therefore Russia/Crimea annexation and China/Hong Kong annexation became blame domestic/international public voice even superpowers

I will walk peace/be neutral with everyone Japan/120,000,000 people

We Stand Our Ground After We Beyond China/Russia War/WW1 And WW2

I Say Japan/Real Japan Police/Army/Intelligence And Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People

Everyone Proud Yourself Eternal

First King/History King And Numerous Mystic Left Real Illusion

Never Join/Be Neutral WW3 And Protect Japan/Real Japan

It's Koto Amatu Kami/Real Illusion

I Do My Best

I Say China/Russia

Peace Love Japan/Real Japan

WW3 Neutral/No Participation

Economy Have Already Global/Connect

All Over the World Country/Be Neutral And Japan/Real Japan Continue Economy Grow Up But If Super Country Go Wrong Way Lose International/Domestic Public Voice

And Super Country First Move/Deflation/Economy Never Grow Up Become After Second Time/Stagflation/Connect Economy Never Grow Up

It's Loop End/Connect Economy End

You Must Walk With Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People/Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People

It's Izanami

17, May. 2019

自分の間違えは, 修正する


英霊と歴代の王たちは, 国家の利益のため戦ったのではない
彼らは, みんなの幸せと平和のため戦ったはずだ
俺は, 胸を張って生きる

Lunafrena And Mother

I correct my wrong

Protect my wife

Mystic And Kings did not fight for Japan profit
They fought for Japan everyone happiness and peace
I promise our best

8, May. 2019









10年間で, 1,000,000人超だ

150年間で, 15,000,000人超だ


アメリカ/中国/ロシアは関わって居るならば, 手を引いた方が良い





俺は, 屈し無い

2011年, 3.11/東日本大地震の時, 俺は20歳だった




勝者とされる個人は, 将来台頭するのを防ぐ為, 潰される

ハプスブルク家を名乗る者が, 次の事を宣告した

俺と父親を, 殺害する事

俺のデジタル/リアルの知り合いを, 酷い目に遭わせて来た事

日本人を, ジェノサイド/虐殺して居る事


王都インソムニア/木の葉隠れの里/東京は, 静かだ




Japan/Suicide People/Missing People

More Than 30,000 People Suicides Every Year In Japan

More Than 80,000 People Missing Every Year In Japan

It Is the Best In the World

I'm Never Involved Japan Police, Army And Back Society

Because the Royal Prince of the World's Third Economic Superpower Continues Exist Stand Alone

Liberal Democratic Party/Komeito/Japan Cult Religion

They Are Animal

More Than 100,000 Suicides/Missing People Every Year

More Than 1,000,000 People 10 Years

More Than 15,000,000 People 150 Years

1 In 10 Japan People

If USA/China/Russia Involved Them, Should End Relation

Is This Justice?

If I Give Up

Japanese Lady Will Be Raped Continue

Japanese Guy Will Be Killed Continue

I Never Give Up

2011, 3.11/East Japan Earthquake I Was 20 Years Old

It Like War

More Than 10 Years Passed

How Can I Grow?

Avoid Future Potential, Individual Winner Is Destroyed

Self Call Habsburgs Person Declared Me Bellow

They Will Kill Me And My Father

They Did Bad Thing My Digital/Real Friend

They Genocide/Massacre Japan People

Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People Have Right to Know

Royal Capital Insomnia/Village Hidden in Leaves/Tokyo Is Quiet

House Light Is Little

Store Is Close

People Is Fewer
28, Apr. 2019


なぜなら, 国家/人類の半分は女だ


女のネットワーク力/噂好きは男を遥かに凌ぎ, そういう噂は高度情報化社会では一瞬で広がる


なぜならば, 国家/人類の半分は女だ


歴史上, 男を殺して崩壊した国は少ないが, 女に酷いことをして崩壊した国は無数にある

俺を殺しても2, 3年もすれば皆忘れるだろうが, 女に酷いことをすると女たちはそういうことを一生忘れない

自分がそういうことをされたらどうしよう, と女は考えるからだ


俺が言っていることが, 嘘か本当か, 高度情報化社会の国民世論/国際世論が教えてくれるだろう

Half of the nation/humanity is a woman

It is the worst bad thing to try to break/break up a woman's marriage/assault/gangbang

Because half of the nation/humanity is a woman

Women hate such things most

Women's network power/rumor lovers far surpass the man, such rumor spreads in a moment in the high information society

Doing bad things to women has the worst impact on public opinion/international public opinion

For half of the nation/humanity is a woman

If you do bad things to a woman, you will turn half of humanity to the enemy

In history, there are few countries that have fallen by killing men, but there are innumerable countries that have fallen by doing bad things to women

Even if I kill me I'll forget everything in a few years, but if I do bad things to women, women will never forget such things

It is because the woman thinks what to do if you do such a thing

Do not try again

What I am saying, whether it is a lie or true, will be taught by the national public opinion/international public opinion of the advanced information society
28, Apr. 2019


もしも母方の祖母が亡くなっていた場合, 実母が死んでいる俺に遺産が贈与されることを父方の祖母と父親は通知しなくてはならない/王道は遵法だ

父親は, お前の葬式代だと, 俺に生命保険を掛けて居た

謎の新型肺炎でも, 無数の人間が入院して居る


父方の祖父は, 2016年謎の肺炎で死んで居る

父方の祖母と義母は, 俺が嫌いと云うよりは

母親と云うのは, 実子が1番可愛い

俺は, 気にし無い



謎の新型肺炎/症状が出ても, 法律/病気で強制入院は出来無い/選択権が或る

日本の皆/120,000,000人も, 医療選択/各人判断して欲しい

病気だけでは無く, 罪無き命が抹殺されて居る可能性が或る

パンデミック/医療崩壊を防ぐだけでは無く, 罪無き命が失われるのを回避したい

2016年, 祖父が謎の肺炎で亡く成った時と違う

俺/日本の皆/120,000,000人共に, 既に無力では無い

Grand Mother And Grand Father

I can not get in touch with my maternal grandmother

If my maternal grandmother is dead, my paternal grandmother and my father must notify me that the mother is dead that the heritage will be given/king way must protect law

Father paid me life insurance for funeral

Even with mysterious new pneumonia countless humans are hospitalized

Numerous never crime heart&spirit die&death

My paternal grandfather dead mystic pneumonia 2016

My paternal grandmother and mother-in-law rather than saying I hate

Mother most love her child

I never mind

More than 30,000 annual pneumonia deaths in Japan

The best in the world

Even if new mysterious pneumonia/symptoms appear, forced hospitalization cannot be done due to law/illness

Everyone Japan/120,000,000 people, medical choice/want each person judgement

There is a possibility that not only illness but innocent lives have been eliminated

Not only to prevent pandemic/medical collapse, but to avoid losing innocent lives

Different from when Grand father died of mysterious pneumonia in 2016

I/Everyone Japan/120,000,000 people have already not never power
8, Nov. 2017

頑張って, 生きよう

死後, 俺は暗闇に行く


そこで, スタッフロールが流れる

日本国建国/20年以上前, 九州/南国に男の子と女の子が居た 

イリスの様な幼馴染/女の子が森の恵み/果実が捕れ無くて泣いて居るので, 多く捕れた森の恵み/果実を分配した男の子が居た

此の男の子が, 真の選ばれし者/初代王だ

20年後, 男は金色の稲穂が広がる此の国を稲穂国/日本国と命名した

神々寄り霊剣/草薙剣と霊鏡/八咫鏡そして霊玉/八尺瓊勾玉を与えられ, 男は日本国/初代王と成った


2,000年以上前は今以上に, 金色の稲穂が広がって居るだろうか

2,000年以上前は今以上に, 日本国の中心に神々の神話/ユダヤ教/キリスト教/イスラム教/仏教/ヒンドゥー教/神道の神話が残って居るだろうか

俺は, 貴方の様に, 森の恵み/果実/国家資産を分配して

貴方の様に, 真日本国の中心に神々の神話/ユダヤ教/キリスト教/イスラム教/仏教/ヒンドゥー教/神道の神話を残し

そして国際連合/世界政府の中心に, 日本の皆/120,000,000人/世界の皆/7,000,000,000人を立たせ公益を還元する

俺は, 真の選ばれし者/初代王では無いが



2,000年以上/時空超越して初代王/歴代王のファントムソードは, 集結する

来い, ファントムソード

Phantom Sword

Live Do Our Best

After Die&Death I Go Mystic And Mystery
I Watch&See Little Light Long Distant
I Run Long Distant For Light
I Notice Near Light

It's My Wife

It's Situation Staff Roll Come

Before Make Japan/More Than 20 Year Ago There Boy And Girl Kyushu/South Country

Boy Get Many Forest Gift/Fruit And Give Like Iris/Old Friend Because She Sadness Never Can Get Many Forest Gift/Fruit

It's Boy Real Chosen/First King

He Stand And Decide Country Name Inaho-Koku/Japan Because  There Great Color Rice Field 20 Year Great Future

God Give He Phantom Sword/Kusanagi-No-Turugi, Phantom Mirror/Yata-No-Kagami And Phantom Love/Yasakani-No-Magatama And He Become Japan/First King

First King

I Think More Than 2,000 Year Ago There More Great Color Rice Field More Than Now

I Think More Than 2,000 Year Ago There More God Story/Jewish/Christianity/Muslim/Buddhism/Hindu/Shin-To God Story Stay Center of Japan More Than Now

I Reverse Forest Gift/Fruit/Country Profit Same You

I Stay God Story/Jewish/Christianity/Muslim/Buddhism/Hindu/Shin-To God Story Stay Center of Real Japan Same You

I Stand Everyone Japan/120,000,000 People And Everyone World/7,000,000,000 People United Nation/World Government And Public Profit Reverse

I Never Real Chosen/First King But

I'm Real Japan First Model/Leader

We're Never Alone/I Do My Best

First King/History King Phantom Sword Gather Beyond Time/Space  More Than 2,000 Year

Come On Phantom Sword
6, May. 2016
Everyone Can Be the Real Hero/Leader/King World Was/Is/Will Be Forever Because Nothing Is Forever
But We're Not Alone/And the Right Way Is Forever Before/After Human Being/Everything

4, May. 2016
I Was/Am/Will Be Not Hero
Many People Made/Make/Will Make Better World
They Were/Are/Will Be the Real Hero
Get Back Light

4, May. 2016
Asia/Europe/Africa/North America/South America/Oceania Every Country Be Free/Stand Alone/Equal Cooperation Was/Is/Will Be Forever
Because No Wrong Way Is Forever

30, Apr. 2016
I Was/Am/Will Be King of Myself
I And First&Final Wife Were/Are/Will Be the Model/Leader of Real Japan
You Can Be the King of Yourself

28, Apr. 2016
I Was/Am/Will Be Stand Alone
I Noticed/Notice/Will Notice We Are Not Alone
Stand Up All Over the World Real Hero/Leader/King

23, Apr. 2016
Wrong Way Was/Is/Will Be Not Forever/Sustainable
Right Way Is Forever Before/After Human Being/Everything
And Nobody/Nothing Can Win the Right Way Because the Right Way Is Way

22, Apr. 2016
I Agreed/Agree/Will Agree I Will Live
I Give My Half Life/Spirit to Her

20, Apr. 2016

Great Islam/Christianity/Judaism

I Was/Am/Will Be Not Hero/King/Holy Person

I Was/Am/Will Be Not Specify

I Believed/Believe/Will Believe God

You Can End Endress Holy Battle

Because Our/Islam/Christianity/Judaism/Not Specify People Believed/Believe/Will Believe Same God

Our Enemy Was/Is/Will Be Secret Society

9, Apr. 2016
Everyone Looked/Look/Will Look the Other One
Everyone Was/Is/Will Be Looked the Other One Because Today's Society Is Real Technology Society

9, Apr. 2016
Everyone See Who Is Real Prisoner
Real Prisoner Was/Is/Will Be Not Human Being
Who Was/Is/Will Be Real Devil

7, Apr. 2016
Technology Showed/Show/Will Show the Real Things
Human Being Can Win Human Being
But Nobody Can Win the Real Things Because the Real Things Is Things

5, Apr. 2016
Secret Society Choose Wrong Way Make All Program/World Worse Future
Secret Society Used All Middle East Countries/All Over the World People for Their Program
Many Countries Media Showed/Show/Will Show Who Is Secret Society

5, Apr. 2016
Everyone Knows Who Is Secret Society/Control/Plan/Use
イランが暴露 米国はISに武器や資金を供給している

20, Mar. 2016
I Was/Am/Will Be Not Secret Society
I Was/Am/Will Be Stand Alone/But We're Not Alone 
I Corrected/Correct/Will Correct Wrong Thing

28, Feb. 2016
Great Big 4 Human Being Civilization

20, Feb. 2016
Great White/Black/Yellow

9, Dec. 2015
USA Can Choose WW3 or Battle Secret Society/Satan
Our Enemy Was/Is/Will Be Secret Society

7, Dec. 2015
I Was/Am/Will Be Not King
All to Gather 7,000,000,000 King
It Was/Is/Will Be the Final Battle/Life/Spirit