Super Future

16, Dec. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある

3000年, 世界政府が完成している


どんな国家元首も王も, いずれ死ぬ

だからこそ真の持続可能な地球とは, 誰もが地球の代表になれる惑星である事だ


世界各国から構成される議会/間接民主主義と, 世界各国市民の世界国民投票/直接民主主義を併せ持った世界政府だ

世界中の人々は, 国家元首を議会に送るだけでなく, 誰もが世界国民投票で民意を反映出来る様になる

誰もが, 地球の代表になれる



Super Future/New World/ Show 3000/Hybrid World Government

What is the world like in the year 3000?

For example, there is a way to envision a new world.

3000 years, World Government is complete.

No one lives forever.

Every head of state, every king, will die.

That's why a truly sustainable planet is one where everyone can be a representative of the Earth.

What is the most advanced world government?

A world government that combines a parliamentary/indirect democracy consisting of the nations of the world and a world referendum/direct democracy consisting of the citizens of the nations of the world.

People of the world will not only send their head of state to the parliament, but everyone will be able to reflect the will of the people by the world referendum.

Everyone can be a representative of the earth.

That's the ultimate vision of the Earth.

It's Hybrid World Government.
15, Dec. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある

3000年, 世界は一つになっている

未来の人類は, 総ての国家が人口比に応じた投票権を持つフラットな合議体を持っているだろう



最後は, アフリカ/黒人の時代になる

世界覇権が西側からアジアに変わり, 最終的にアフリカに帰結するだけでは, 意味がない

権力が推移しているだけで, 同じ歴史の繰り返しだ

そして覇権主義は, 終わらない争いを生む

俺は, 西側がして来た事を, 今度はアジア/アフリカがすれば良いとは思わない



それだけが, 終わらない権力闘争から人類を解放し, 世界の権力を均質化/恒久化し, 世界政府を始め次の世界へと導く


Super Future/New World/ Show 3000/Roundism

What is the world like in the year 3000?

For example, there is a way to envision a new world.

3000 Years, The World is One.

In the future mankind will have a flat council where all nations have the right to vote according to their population ratio.

The era of the West/White man will end.

The era of Asian/yellow people will come.

Finally, the era of Africa/Blacks will come.

It is meaningless if the world hegemony changes from the West to Asia and finally to Africa.

It's just that the power is shifting, and the same history is repeating itself.

And hegemony creates endless conflicts.

I don't think that what the West has done, Asia/Africa should do now.

Europe/America/Asia/Oceania/Africa should be equal.

And there should be a round table where all the regions talk to each other as equals.

Only then can we free mankind from the never-ending power struggle, homogenize/permanentize the world power, start the world government and lead the world to the next world.

It's Flat Worldism.
15, Dec. 2024


例えば, 新しい世界を描く方法がある

3000年, 白人/黒人/黄色人は完全に混血するとされている

多くの争いは, 人種で起こる

しかし, 焦らなくて良いのだ


未来の人類に, 人種の壁はない

ハーフやクォーターの子は, 自分のルーツに悩む事もあるだろう

だが, 誇りに思って良い

未来の人類は, 全員混血なのだ


総ての人種を対等とし, 少しずつ何世代もかけて融和していく事だけが, 人種の壁を取り崩す


Super Future/New World/ Show 3000/Hybridism

What is the world like in the year 3000?

For example, there is a way to describe the new world

In 3000 years, whites/blacks/yellows are supposed to be completely interbred

Many conflicts will be caused by race

But we don't have to rush.

Over the course of a thousand years, the human race will become interbred.

In the future, there will be no racial barriers.

Half and quarter children may be troubled by their roots.

But you can be proud.

In the future, we will all be of mixed race.

There is no value in fighting over the casting board of white/black/yellow.

Only the gradual, generation-by-generation reconciliation of all races as equals will break down racial barriers.

It's Hybridism.
15, Dec. 2024





2001年, 21世紀の戦争と平和を問う非対称戦争テロリズムとの戦いが起こった

2020年~2030年頃, 仮想現実がエンターテイメントの中心になる

完全な立体映像が流行り, パソコンには嗅覚再現装置や触覚伝導装置が付く


2030年, 3度目の世界大戦を経て軍備拡張競争の終焉が訪れる

2040年, 東西は手を取り新しい国際秩序が開かれる

2050年, ウイルス/細菌戦争が始まる


運転手/受付/作業現場の重労働はロボットが担うようになり, 人間の雇用問題が生じる


老人が若返り, 誰もが100歳まで生きることが可能になる


五感を自由自在に操り, 凡ゆる非日常の体験がゲーム感覚で体験できる

好きな夢を見たり, 続きから再生することが可能になる

2060年, エネルギーの氷河時代が到来する

2070年, 核融合エネルギーの時代が到来する

2080年, エネルギー経済の改革が起こる

2090年, 温室効果危機が起こる

2100年, 新しい食品が登場する

総ての臓器が交換可能になり, 120歳を超えても若いままでいられる

病気が事前に予測出来, 回避可能になる


死ぬ前に希望すれば, 記憶をそのままで未来に解凍出来, 人生を二度楽しめるようになる


交通事故ゼロ, 運転することなく自動的に最短で目的地まで到着出来る

ナノテクノロジーの発達で, 物質を原子レベルで分解/組み立て可能になる

2110年, 10億人の人々が失われる

2120年, 海洋農業が発展する

2130年, 都市革命が起こる

2140年, テレスクリーン/デジタルの王国が生まれる

2150年, 雇用と再雇用の波が起こる


月面都市が出来, リゾートも開発され, 人気観光地となる



人口感触器が誕生し, 擬似触れ合いが可能になる


性転換体験も可能で, それまで経験できなかった感覚が体験出来る

砂粒大のコンピュータが, 現在のスーパーコンピュータの性能を上回る

人口知能も発達, ロボットが人間に反抗し, 人間を奴隷として扱う可能性もある



2160年, 21~22世紀のレジャーが浸透する

2170年, 科学技術が大減速する


2200年, エコトピア/環境適合都市の創設者が現れる

都市はドーム型になり, 各ドーム内で空気清浄/温度/湿度が管理され, 特色を持った運営がなされ, 個人が自由に選んで居住し, リニアで結ばれ自由に移動出来る

バイオ技術の発達で人間の形が変わり, 人工的に新たな生命体を生み出すこともできる

ナノロボットが完成し, 脳の治療も容易になり, 軍事兵器としても使われ, 敵兵器に侵入し破壊する新たな戦争形態が生まれる


ロボットが人間同等の権利を有するようになり, ロボット政治家も生まれる

2220年, 苦しみの改善が起こる

2240年, 人口の制御が起こる

2260年, 世界送電網が建設される

2280年, 産業のルネッサンス/再興が起こる

2300年, 世界計画経済が起こる

2320年, 月の開発が起こる

2340年, マイクロワールドの製作がなされる

2360年, 宇宙産業と宇宙探検が再興する

2370年, バイオテクノロジーの新しい革命が起きる

2375年, 生きた機械が生まれる

2380年, 人間の改造が起こる


難民ロボットが発生し, 人間と同じ権利を得て人間社会に溶け込んだロボットに対する反感が強まり, 人類はロボット擁護派/否定派で対立する

ヒューマノイドたちは人間に対抗する世界的ネットワークを作り, 世界各地でロボット排斥が強まり, ロボット先進国にロボット難民が殺到し, 各地でロボットの反乱が起きる

人間のサイボーグ化, ロボットの人間化が制限されるようになる

脳とネットワークが結ばれ, 脳に直接メールや思考を送信可能になり, ハッカーたちは脳への侵入を繰り返す

雇用がなくなり, 殆どの労働作業はロボットが行う

世界規模で人類が宗教的活動に回帰し, アニミズム信仰も復活, 古代のような宗教国家が再興する

2430年, 永遠の若さと青春運動が起こる

2460年, 新しいライフスタイルが生まれる

2490年, 都市と国家が攻撃にさらされる

2510年, 人工のエコスフェア/生命居住可能領域が構築される

2540年, 太陽系の征服が行われる

2570年, 恒星の地平線から脱出する

2600年, 人間の多様化が起こる

地球の生命力を復活させる為, 各大陸ごとに人間の居住地域を限定し, 10万人規模のカプセル都市を作り, 外に人間が触れない自然環境が作られ, カプセル内で使用するエネルギーは全てリサイクルされる

人類が生まれる前の地球環境を復活させ, 遺伝子操作で絶滅動物や絶滅植物が復活する

宇宙旅行ブームが起こり, 火星への観光投資/資源開発が進み, 定期ツアーも運行され, 地球外生まれの人間が増加する


2650年, 不老が確立し生と死の問題が薄くなる

ワープ技術で1500光年先にあるオリオン星雲にも数か月で到達出来, 宇宙植民地の時代が始まり, 争いを生む

海底都市に住む海生人が増加し, 地上に住む人類と対立し, 地底に住む人間も登場する


2750年, 長寿社会への適応がなされる


人間の大半が300歳まで生きるようになり, 500歳を超える者も現れ, 体は使い捨て, 交換可能になり, 永遠に生きたい者は肉体を捨てて自らの精神を生かし続け超意識体となる

異星文明との出会い宇宙規模のコミュニケーションの時代が始まり, 異星人と情報/文化交流も行われ, 遺伝子交換も行われ, 地球より10万年以上進んだ文明との交流も起こり, 人類の思考方法が大きく変化する

人間以外の新生物と交流し, 遺伝子操作で新しい生命体が生まれ, 様々な生物と人間が共存する

2850年, 地球の相続が行われる

2950年, 冒険的大事業が始まる

タイムマシンと共に, 人間が通過できる安定したワームホームが人工的に作られる

3,000年, 世界は完成される

未来から, 過去に遡って現在の行動を変えるバックキャスティングという手法がある

究極のバックキャスティングは, 3000年から今を変えることだ

Super Future/New World/Show 3000

What will the world be like in 3000 years?

There will be many changes and eras for mankind.

There will be a period of crisis from 2000 to 2180.

Robots will appear in offices/homes.

In 2001, the asymmetric war of war and peace in the 21st century, the war against terrorism.

Around 2020-2030, virtual reality become the center of entertainment.

Full stereoscopic images are in vogue, and PCs are equipped with olfactory reproduction devices and tactile conduction devices.

Concerts, sports, and travel can be experienced from the comfort of home.

In 2030, the arms race comes to an end after the third world war.

2040, East and West join hands and a new international order opens.

2050, Virus/bacteria wars begin.

Robots that can perform almost the same actions as human beings are completed.

Robots will take over the heavy labor of drivers/receptionists/workplaces, creating employment problems for humans.

Aging is successfully suppressed.

Old people will be rejuvenated, and everyone will be able to live to be 100 years old.

The sensory industry will develop.

By freely manipulating the five senses, we will be able to experience ordinary and extraordinary experiences as if we were playing a game.

It will be possible to dream your favorite dreams and replay them from the beginning.

In 2060, the glacial age of energy arrives.

2070, The age of fusion energy arrives.

2080, Reform of the energy economy takes place.

2090, The greenhouse crisis occurs.

2100, New food products will appear.

all organs will be replaceable and people will remain young beyond 120 years of age.

Diseases will be predictable and avoidable.

Cryonics business will be developed.

If you wish before you die, you will be able to enjoy your life twice, with your memories intact and thawed in the future.

Intelligent roads/smartways will spread all over the world.

Zero traffic accidents, and people will be able to reach their destinations automatically and in the shortest time possible without driving.

Development of nanotechnology will make it possible to disassemble/assemble materials at the atomic level.

2110, One billion people will be lost.

2120, Ocean agriculture develops.

2130, Urban revolution occurs.

2140, Telescreen/digital kingdom is born.

2150, Wave of hiring and retrenchment takes place.

2150, Cars/airplanes the size of your pocket will appear.

Lunar cities and resorts are developed and become popular tourist destinations.

The Moon becomes a center of industry and research.

Space elevators connecting the earth and geostationary satellites become commercially available.

Artificial feelers will be created, enabling simulated touch.

All senses, including smell and pressure, can be reproduced.

Sex change will be possible, and we will be able to experience sensations that we have never experienced before.

A sand size computer will surpass the performance of today's supercomputers.

Advanced artificial intelligence, robots may rebel against humans and treat humans as slaves.

Physical characteristics/intelligence/health can be controlled at will.

Races can be changed at will, too.

2160, Leisure of 21st-22nd century permeates the world.

2170, Science and technology undergo a major slowdown.

2180-2400, The era of reconstruction arrives.

2200, Founder of Ecotopia/Eco-city emerges.

Cities will be domed, with controlled air quality/temperature/humidity within each dome, and distinctive management, with individuals able to choose their own residences and move freely via linear connections.

Biotechnology will change the human form, and new life forms can be created artificially.

Nano-robots will be perfected, brains will be easily treated, and they will be used as military weapons, creating a new form of warfare to infiltrate and destroy the enemy's weapons.

Artificial creation of ordinary natural materials will be possible.

Robots will have the same rights as humans, and robot politicians will be born.

2220, Improvement of suffering occurs.

2240, Population control takes place

2260, The world power grid is built.

2280, Industrial renaissance/rebirth.

2300, World planned economy takes place.

2320, Development of the Moon occurs.

2340, Microworlds are created.

2360, Space industry and space exploration revive.

2370, A new revolution in biotechnology.

2375, The birth of living machines.

2380, The transformation of man occurs.

There will be a period of transition from 2400 to 2650.

Refugee robots emerge, and human beings are divided between robot defenders and deniers, as they gain the same rights as humans and become increasingly antagonistic toward robots that have integrated into human society.

Humanoids create a global network against humans, anti-robot sentiment grows worldwide, robot refugees flood into advanced robot countries, and robot uprisings occur in various regions.

Human cyborgization and humanization of robots will be restricted.

Hackers will be able to send emails and thoughts directly to the brain, and hackers will be able to repeatedly invade the brain.

Jobs will disappear and robots will perform most labor tasks.

Worldwide, humanity returns to religious activity, animism is revived, and ancient religious states reemerge.

2430, Eternal youth and adolescence movement takes place.

In 2460, a new lifestyle is born.

2490, Cities and nations come under attack.

2510, Artificial ecosphere/life habitable zone is built.

2540, The solar system is conquered.

2570, Escape from the stellar horizon.

2600, Human diversification takes place.

In order to revive the life force of the earth, human habitable areas are limited to each continent, capsule cities of 100,000 people are built, a natural environment is created where humans cannot touch the outside, and all energy used in the capsule is recycled.

The environment of the earth before the birth of human beings will be restored, and extinct animals and plants will be restored by genetic engineering.

Space travel will boom, investment in tourism/resource development on Mars will increase, scheduled tours will be operated, and the number of extraterrestrial-born humans will increase.

The creation era of the new world is from 2650 to 3000 years.

In 2650, immortality is established and the problem of life and death fades away.

Warp technology makes it possible to reach the Orion Nebula 1,500 light years away in a few months, beginning the era of space colonization and creating conflicts.

The number of sea creatures living in undersea cities will increase, and humans living on the ground will come into conflict with those living on the surface, and humans living underground will also appear.

Full communication with animals is achieved.

In 2750, adaptation to a long-lived society is made.

The number of humans living on the moon/Mars and other extraterrestrial bodies exceeds 100 million.

The majority of humans will live to be 300 years old, some over 500 years old, bodies will be disposable and interchangeable, and those who wish to live forever will abandon their bodies and keep their own spirit alive and become superconscious.

Encounters with alien civilizations, the age of communication on a cosmic scale begins, information/cultural exchange with aliens takes place, genetic exchange takes place, exchange with civilizations 100,000 years or more advanced than the Earth takes place, and the way humans think changes dramatically.

Interaction with new life forms other than humans, new life forms are born through genetic manipulation, and humans coexist with a variety of life forms
The number of people who seek a simple, human way of life that does not rely on technology will increase.

In 2850, the inheritance of the earth takes place.

In 2950, an adventurous undertaking begins.

Along with a time machine, a stable worm home is artificially created through which humans can pass.

In 3,000, the world is completed.

There is a technique called backcasting that allows us to go back in time and change our present behavior from the future.

The ultimate backcasting is to change the present from the year 3000.